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Exploring the FOOD × SHIBUYA latest Shibuya gourmet circumstances

Such as a connoisseur tongue-handed food writer is "the topic of the shop," "seasonal food", will introduce quickly a food trend information of Shibuya.

This month's theme

Eat win! 6 shop can feel the hot South America in the stomach

Stage of the exciting game, finally kicked off! "Because it once in four years, you'll! Of course spear from morning" groove C against Japan although the early morning hours and the restaurant, who is scheduled to W Cup public viewing There are also pretty. Certainly, if you like soccer, "!! ze liven up hot with fellow" and those that also humanity's fighting spirit would enter than watch quietly in the room because it is early in the morning.

So this time, in addition to the shop Brazilian regional food is the land of the battle can taste, taste of food, of course, O seen our national character of South America and the leading nation that is willing also planned W Cup broadcast from early morning the store I tried to pick up. While won the soul food of the countries that have supported the players in the tongue and stomach, their culture "win to eat!" Specific Buddhist prayer is, or really work well ...! ?

Hot South America 6 stores recommended for W Cup season taste, you're looking for game day, perhaps, it is the early reservation Gil.

This Month Specials

Body and mind and Brazil one color! Tucano that authentic Churrasco can enjoy

Tucano Shibuya (Brazilian)

Store name
Tucano Shibuya
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Dogenzaka 2-23-12 Shibuya FONTIS building B1
12: 00~LO14: 30
17: 30~LO21: 30
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
12: 00~LO14: 00
17: 00~LO21: 30
Seven days a week

Look at the lump and fruits of the large meat was skewered in charcoal baked Churrasco. In Brazil restaurant "Tucano" of buckwheat Tokyu department store head office, this a hearty cuisine Brazilian cowboys of the BBQ is the origin, it is a great way to enjoy 120 minutes all-you-can-eat.

串刺しの肉は、濃くしっかりした赤身の味と柔らかさで人気のピッカーニャ(牛ランプ肉の希少部位)はじめ、トップサーロイン、リブ、コブ肉など。また牛だけでなく豚のリブやソーセージ、鶏のハツやガレット(ひな鶏の丸焼き)、手羽、さらにラム肉など14種類ほど。焼いたパイナップルも登場する。 システムはテーブルの上の3色のチップを使い、お肉が欲しい場合は緑、ストップする場合は赤、パイナップルをリクエストする場合は黄色をサインとしてテーブルで示す。サインが緑だと大きな肉の塊の串を持ったガウショが各テーブルを廻り、何度でもその場で肉をそぎ落としてくれる。焼きたて・切りたての肉をテーブルの岩塩やビネガーソースを使っていただけば心はたちまちブラジルの地へ!残念ながら特にW杯に合わせた早朝営業の予定はないようだが(一部の日を除く)、夜のほかに12:00からのランチ営業もあるため、W杯開催期間中、ブラジル気分を味わいたいという人は足を運んでみては。

Toward the way Churrasco is the all-you-can-eat about 30 types of salad and lavish salad buffet lined cuisine, and comes with dessert and drinks buffet, and too much to take Arekore to remain exciting to the bottom line of the meat is no longer so much entering ending because your attention. Night full of hot air in the live music and samba show of bossa nova, Agareru greatly prime along with the Brazilian staff. (Churrasco all-you-can-eat none of the 120 minutes, weekday lunch 2,200 yen, dinner 4,300 yen In addition.)

In addition, five stores that taste of soccer powerhouse countries Food

Moriagare in Germany beer and Frankfurt! Frankenstein Shibuya

Store name
German beer restaurant Frankenstein Shibuya
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Shinsen-cho 8-1 Suzuya Building 1F
12: 00~LO14: 30 (Mon-Fri)
17: 30~LO04: 30
Year-end and New Year holiday

Barrels students and bottled beer of Germany imported, colorfully align the German wines, white beer and smoked beer addition to being directly in a large barrel from a long-established brewery of Germany around, enjoy rhea stocks that can not be taste rarely. Food and Frankfurt beginning of Germany direct delivery, aligned traditional authentic taste of Germany. W Cup firmly broadcast also scheduled early morning against Japan. On two large screen, it will greatly Moriagaro along with the chef of love football!

Taste is also exciting Argentine specialties! Costa Latina

Store name
Costa Latina
Meguro-ku, Tokyo Komaba 1-16-12
12:00 to 15:00 (Saturday and Sunday)
18: 00~LO03: 00
Seven days a week


Watching with delicious tapas and wine! Spanish Bar Madrid

Store name
Spanish Bar & Restaurant Madrid
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Dogenzaka 1-11-3
Force One Bill 1 · 2F
11:30〜05:00 ※1Fバル&カフェ
Seven days a week

Store the Spanish essence has been condensed tightly is, 1F is Bal, 2F can enjoy the local cuisine of authentic Spanish restaurants. The Bal of feel free to drink 1F while knob tapas aligned wine of organic and natural cultivation imported company from Spain. Tapas raw ham beginning of the Spanish cheese platter and the Iberian pig, dish which is likely too much to drink the wine is aligned versatile. Photo homemade sangria. W Cup scheduled broadcast Bal.

Peruvian store food culture and taste of South America can feel, Miraflores

Store name
Miraflores Shibuya
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Sakuragaoka-cho, 28-3
Tsunekazu Building 1F
11: 30~LO: 14: 30
18: 00~LO: 22: 00
Monday holiday

This time, day off toward the next W Cup participation! Game broadcast also thing of the not planning in particular, but not absolutely not croton If you talk about the South American in Shibuya is Peruvian "Mira Flores". The number of dishes by Peruvian chef, authentic Peruvian taste affected by the multinational eating from indigenous people and immigrants. Even lunch of stews and soups that come your fishing at 900 yen will likely addicted to its taste. Photo of chicken that has been braised in guinea tomatoes boiled. Likely taste becomes a paste is also habit of homemade green chili. The charm of the South American food can experience realistic.

Cheer to beer contestants countries! Football dining ESTADIO

Store name
dining&bar ESTADIO 渋谷店
Tokyo, Shibuya-ku, Udagawa-cho, 3-10
Shibuya football Tower B1
11: 30~LO15: 00
18: 00~LO23: 00
Gold and congratulation the day before
11: 30~LO15: 00
18: 00~LO02: 00
11: 30~LO02: 00
Day festival
11: 30~LO23: 00
※ change by the broadcast schedule Yes
Seven days a week

Although not a South American restaurant, companion and soccer can enjoy a few cars a large screen in the "Football dining ESTADIO". But it has become a full house unfortunately is against Japan already booked, so there is still free in other countries of the game (at the time of interview). Attractive in terms of beer from around the world are aligned, Germany, beginning Spain Italy, Australia, the beer of the participating countries, such as Belgium Zurari. Along with the brand of cheer to the country, trying to send a cheer to your heart's content!

Writer / Surf RiderAround the lunch than 2005 spell the restaurant information of Shibuya neighborhood blog "Shibuya Ebisu lunch journalIt operates a ". But we of Torabayu in the world (it is dead language) were instead Dane in the 40s, since, young thanks to the interaction with the people, the only boast anyway that feelings are young. "Cheap and delicious shop", "the shop to work for a change" and looking put is in the good shops are helping greatly to the anti-aging from the surroundings. Everyone to do not want aging, it recommended to eat walking with young people. Let's feed together ♪

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