Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Exploring the FOOD × SHIBUYA latest Shibuya gourmet circumstances

Such as a connoisseur tongue-handed food writer is "the topic of the shop," "seasonal food", will introduce quickly a food trend information of Shibuya.

This month's theme

imageAim for "Shibuya lead project" limited food!

2013年3月16日、渋谷を起点に5つの路線がつながります。 直通運転がはじまると、横浜から渋谷、新宿、池袋を経て、埼玉西南部まで行けちゃうのです。なんという首都圏の広域鉄道ネットワーク! 地方では考えられないっ、と とっさに思ったのは内緒です(岐阜出身、単線育ちのため)。初回となる今回は、お祝い(?)の気持ちを込めて“渋谷つながるプロジェクト”にちなんだ限定フードを探してきました。 東急線キャラクター「のるるん」をモチーフにしたスウィーツもありますよ。

This Month Specials

● Tokyu Toyoko shop Food Show
The department store underground representative of the Shibuya, cute limited sweets have appeared one after another.

"Phase straight Memorial" train short cake

Store name
Product name
"相直記念” 電車のショートケーキ
4,200 yen
Sales period
3/14 (Thu) - / 18 (Mon)
Unit sales
Each day five limited
Tokyu Department Store Toyoko store B1
10:00 to 21

創業80年を迎えた老舗洋菓子店から、電車好きなら誰もがテンションが上がるショートケーキが登場。こちらは東横線9000系を元に作られています。特急表示はもちろんのこと、ワイパーにいたるまで細かく再現されていて驚き! ガラスには点をつけ、ガラスのくもりまで表現しています。各パーツや車体を包んでいるのは薄いチョコレート。カットしてみると、中はイチゴがたっぷり入ったショートケーキがお目見え。うぅ〜ん、電車の中からイチゴショートだなんて、心くすぐられる〜。電車を眺めて、イチゴショートを食べる。 こんな幸せがあるでしょうか?(鉄子&スウィーツマニアの私としては)。お味は「クローバー」らしい、どこか懐かしいようなやさしい甘さ。スポンジもふわふわです。ちなみにカットするとき、薄いチョコに押されて電車がぐにゃっと壊れやすいので気を付けてくださいね。(東京急行電鉄株式会社商品化許諾済)


Store name
La tail Saison
Product name
462 yen
Sales period
March 14 (Thursday) to 20 days (Wed)
Unit sales
Each day 20 limited
Tokyu Department Store Toyoko store B1
10:00 to 21

"La Saison tail" to set up a head office in Mishuku is, selling a train cake tailored with mousse of milk chocolate. The window of the front is a sweet and sour apricot jelly was likened plate white chocolate, in the window. Sweet happy taste of milk chocolate mousse that melts smoothly and put in the mouth, it would loose involuntarily cheek. Oh, ... I want to eat anything or this train.
Milk chocolate mousse is also firmly smell sweet, taste love everyone from adults to children!
I want to present to the parent-child love train. Personally coating of chocolate was the Netchiri rich and taste.

Memorial on the confectionery

Store name
Asakusa Meiyuan
Product name
Memorial on the confectionery
263 yen
Sales period
March 7 (Thursday) to 20 days (Wed)
Unit sales
Each day 50 limited
Tokyu Department Store Toyoko store B1
10:00 to 21

From Asakusa of long-established sweet shop, confectionery appeared on the image of a wheel of flower cars. The above has been accompanied by a blue flag is a flower of Shibuya. Hmmm, Will How beautiful. When I turn off the middle contains the elegant bean jam. Without hesitation melting in the mouth and sweet spread in the mouth, the upper confectionery. It has involuntarily dreamily closed her eyes. Delicious top confectionery also mouth to eye. It is good for souvenir towards superiors. Shibuya flower is without hesitation say when the point is also up likely the Unchiku that it is Iris (By the way, I say absolutely if I. And proudly).

Rurun macaroons

Store name
Gateau de Bowaiyaju
Product name
Rurun macaroons
One 210 yen
Sales period
March 15 (Friday) -
Unit sales
It lasts
Tokyu Department Store Toyoko store B1
10:00 to 21

焼菓子に定評のある「ガトー・ド・ボワイヤージュ」は、東急線キャラクター「のるるん」がプリントされたキュートなマカロンを販売。マカロンには香りのいいヴァニーユのクリームがサンドされています。驚いたのはのるるんのかわいさ。 あれ、のるるんってこんなにかわいかったっけ? 大きく開いた口とか、ちょっとゆるい感じとかたまらない〜!!!! ちなみにマカロンに書かれた「のるるん」の文字をよくみると、なんと電車型になっているではありませんかっ! はふぅ。心をわしづかみにされました。いい仕事してるなぁー。今度、東急線沿いに住む方へのギフトにしようっと。(東京急行電鉄株式会社商品化許諾済)

● ShinQs
I found a lunch of limited to B3F of ShinQs also say the kitchen of Hikarie!

Shibuya Hikarie ShinQs Popular Selection Bento

Store name
Zen eashion
Product name
Shibuya Hikarie ShinQs Popular Selection Bento
790 yen
Sales period
March 7 (Thursday) to 31 (Sun.)
Shibuya Hikarie ShinQs B3
10:00 to 21

Appeared in the popular deli and colorful side dish a popular lunch box packed with a small portion of the sign side dish of "eashion" is limited in ShinQs! Big fried in fluffy soft tofu hamburger, such as shrimp cutlet of angrily shrimp with plenty, anyway is amazing side dish of volume. Rice whopping of rice said to be "bellota" the highest rank of the Iberian pig Seto, black rice, pearl barley, two containing cereals containing rice that contains 10 kinds of cereals, such as mung bean. Since bellota is are boiled in seasoned was firm, rice will proceed rapidly. Hmmm, Tsu too extravagant! As a general comment, in particular the remaining of the impression, that any food has also been largely cut at this lunch. I think I it's very important this. Eat and Paku' a big mouth, come jump is delicious happy to mouth full. Do not you think that is full of very life force me this? While this lunch is bathed in spring sunshine, I want to taste outdoors. On a clear day, you may also say the taste to go up a little farther in the route that led.

招福 Gate ShinQs limited Chinese lunch

Store name
Yokohama Chinatown 招福 Gate
Product name
招福 Gate ShinQs limited Chinese lunch
1,050 yen
Sales period
March 7 (Thursday) to 31 (Sun.)
Shibuya Hikarie ShinQs B3
10:00 to 21

横浜中華街に本店を構える中華料理店「招福門」。花をイメージした春らしいパッケージに入っているのは、大きな海老を使ったエビマヨにエビチリ、旨みの活きた八宝菜やスパイスの香り高い麻婆豆腐。さらに青椒肉絲に酢豚と6種類のおかずに、チャーハン、XO醤を のせた白米、中華おこわの3種類のご飯が入っています。そう、なんと計9種類の味が楽しめてしまうのです! ぎゃー、なんという贅沢さ!なにより名中華店のデリらしく、ひとつひとつの惣菜の香りがすごくいい。八宝菜は中華のだしがしっかり感じられるし、青椒肉絲もコクがある。なによりエビマヨのマヨネーズがベタッとしていなくて、なめらかで秀逸でした。見た目も華やかだし、ちょっとずついろんな味を楽しみたいというよくばりな女性にすごくおすすめです。味もしっかりしているのでお酒のお供にもいいかも。

Writer / Kumi YamamotoFreelance writer Shibuya residents to continue to walk to eat in Tokyo restaurants and takeout food. Anyway (though weak) beer love. Others, meat (including processed meat), carbohydrate is also Love. Favorite phrase was "hungry" or, "I'm full". Every month from now, the Shibuya gourmet in the correct eyes will (well, pretty much biased eyes) to introduce. "Here, hella good ze?" Please tell me if there is recommended stores information of the Shibuya area called. Since you go to the ready-to-eat! No Let's eat together.

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