Chocolat of Theobroma

Pastry is recommend Enchanted Suites

There is also a study abroad experience in France, Takeshi that learned Suites making in such Nishi-Azabu cafe
Store name, which means "museum of chocolate", "Musee du Chocolat Theobroma"

Attic cafe "attic room" store manager Sachiko Takeshi's ofbookmark is "Chocolat of Theobroma"
December this year, Tokyu Hands near the cafe and dining, which opened in 4F of the multi-tenant building "attic room". Such as the interior and furniture there is a ceiling and handmade feeling of the diagonal, it is exudes a "attic" whiff of the shop name Street. "Because there is a lot of in Shibuya if good cafe atmosphere, meals and Suites is you want to provide what get to eat properly delicious," he says, bookmark of Takeshi's, which is also the pastry chef at the store manager, "Chocolat of Theobroma". Theobroma shops Koji Tsuchiya, who also referred to as the guru of Japanese chocolatiers (chocolate expert craftsman) was opened in Tomigaya in 1999. All Suites Takeshi had their is something to make since the beginning of the order in the home-made, but the fact that it is not good at making sweets with chocolate. Speaking of "chocolate, chocolate of Theobroma is recommended because there is also a feeling of luxury on top delicious if there are goods. Until now but often was making sweets in the kitchen behind the scenes, of direct visitor become a store manager by touching the reaction, told me more and more fun Suites making has increased, "he said happily. The Suites of the attic room to also look and sell authentic taste, is muffled even such a thought.

Musee du Chocolat Theobroma
Shibuya Tomigaya 1-14-9 1F


attic roomは「ノスタルジックで隠れ家的な空間」をコンセプトとするだけあって、女性に人気の「おとなのお子様らんち」(ランチタイム 1000円)など、料理もどこか懐かしさが漂うものばかり。60〜70年代のソファや古民家の扉を使って作った家具など、随所にあたたかみの感じられる店内は、井の頭通りの人混みを避けてくつろぐには絶好の場所。スタッフが「ドラえもんの部屋」と呼ぶ茶室風の個室のほか、普段はプライベートスペースとなっている屋上も時期によっては開放することがあるという。右上写真:自家製の「きな粉ケーキ 黒蜜ソース添え」(580円)。抹茶のソースやキャラメル味のナッツなど細部にも手が加えられている。

Attic room
Shibuya-ku, Udagawa-cho, 31-1 4F
金曜・土曜12:00〜5:00 ※ランチタイムは12:00〜17:00

(2005年12月30日 10:31:00)

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