Shibuya Nishimura fruit parlor

Shops feel the nature of light

Nagase's that like futsal. By utilizing the "Adidas Futsal Park" on the rooftop of the Tokyu Toyoko shops also.
Nishimura fruit parlor to set up a store in front of Shibuya Station crossing than 1936. Parfait and sweets using seasonal fruits are substantial.
The photo book Tomigaya and Mishuku, that of the many photographs taken in the Shibuya neighborhood, such as Meguro. © Sayo Nagase

Photographer Sayo NagaseIt is the bookmark "Shibuya Nishimura fruit parlor"
Just of Aoyama Book Center Shibuya was opened in HMV Shibuya 6F in the center city. "Feel", "Read", "play" in the gallery space to the hotel in the store that was the theme, photographer Sayo Nagase's bookmark to perform a photo exhibition from December 1, Shibuya Station of "Shibuya Nishimura fruit parlor." Such as the meeting of the "work, go well, such as when you want to check properly the photograph and the color." Fashionable system "cafe or a dark store that it is of, but or strong lighting in warm colors, here facing the intersection since the incoming lot of natural light from the window have been enhanced even menu as. a cafe where you can see the exact color,'s a beautiful smell and dished of fruit, age of the audience is also fun to look at apart. " talks about the favorite and why. Mr. Nagase, formerlyParco MuseumIt was conducted in"Shutter & Love ─10 women photographers who"Young photographers of the attention that was also participated in. Through the time from former compact camera boom, to speak again in that there is a sense that female photographer is in the limelight, "I feel you are stuck with old equipment and texture as the young people are," Mr. Nagase is digital without using the camera at all, only carry out the shooting with a film of analog. If you buy new clothes and camera, for Nagase, who bear in mind the simple life that to dispose of that of the minute hand, an atmosphere that does not decorated with the long-established fruit parlors might feel comfortable.

Shibuya Nishimura fruit parlor Dogenzaka shop
Shibuya-ku, Udagawa-cho, 22-2 2F


Nagase's Photos"Blue of time THROUGH THE LOOKING-GIRL"According to the publication of the (Puchigura publishing published photograph right),Aoyama Book Center HMV Shibuyaで同タイトルの写真展が開催される。「『青の時間』という言葉は、エリック・ロメール監督の映画『レネットとミラベル四つの冒険』の1つのエピソードから取りました。フランスでは『物事の始まりと終わりの境目』や『朝の鳥のさえずりと夜の虫の声が鳴き止む瞬間』のような意味を持っているらしい。“青春”を匂わせる言葉でもあるし、今回の写真集の内容と合うと思った」とタイトルの由来について説明してくれた。『鏡の国のアリス』を意識したサブタイトルの通り、正面を向いた女の子たちの写真がひときわ目を惹き、写真の周りに余白を持たせたデザインからも被写体との距離や関係性を強く意識させられる内容。「展示しているプリントと写真集の印刷との違いを楽しんで見てもらえれば」という写真展は12月1日より12日まで。2日には、同じく写真家の森本美絵さんとのトークショーも行う予定(入場無料、要予約。青山ブックセンターHMV渋谷店:03-5428−1775)。

(2006年12月01日 12:40:00)

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