東急百貨店本店、55年の歴史に幕 本店開業はライバル進出がきっかけ 最終日の東急本店をレポート!
みんなで乗れば乗るほど便利になる! 地域で育てるシェアリングモビリティ「mobi」の可能性とは月5000円乗り放題のサブスクMaaS、渋谷に登場!
カプセルホテルで仕事!? 「ザ ミレニアルズ渋谷」が提案する新プランコロナ禍における「ホテルの利活用」
「ONE-STOP! SHIBUYA」ウェブがオープン 渋谷のプロモーションに悩んだら渋谷の情報発信力を生かした新しい取り組み
Launching a new project to "solve social issues in Shibuya City" with shopping bagsWhat is "SHIBUKURO PROJECT" which is a Shibuya-ku official business?
【Shibuya Travelers Guide】もうロッカーを探さなくてもOK! 事前予約で大きな荷物も預けられるecbo cloakをレポート"Shibuya Travelers Guide" provides information for foreign tourists visiting Shibuya
A umbrella sharing service of attention now, Shibuya's "Aikasa" will settle! What?Do you buy? Will not borrow an umbrella in the future era.
Opened co-working space "WeWork Iceberg (Iceberg)" from the US, causing innovation from HarajukuIceberg Visit Report!
駅そばの名店「本家しぶそば」 レビューサイトで異例の高評価を得る理由とは?Shibuya's popular stand eating food soba store closes!
【Event Report】 Shibuya Startup Ecosystem Held - Shibuya moved to a further accumulation of startups2/28 report on "Shibuya Startup Ecosystem" held in Shibuya Hikarie !
The latest version of the share business! What is "ecbo cloak" that you can sightsee in Shibuya city by hand?New sharing economy service using Shibuya's "idle asset" appeared!
"Coin Space" appeared utilizing idle time of restaurant!Matching "people" × "idle time (idle assets)"
Shibuya Station direct connection! Hourly open space is available from 15 minutes 100 yenSHIBUYA MARKCITY Within "Creation Square Shibuya" on the 4th floor
Shibuya Radio # 9 8/3 broadcasting
Theme: "Shibuya of Digital Signage"Guest: Shibuya television Hirata Akiraware Mr.Shibuya of radio / # 06 June 22, 2016 (water) broadcasting: theme "foreign tourists in Shibuya"Guests Japan Tour Guide (Japan tour guide) representative Omori TakashiFutoshi's.
[Report] Let's talk a new relationship of TOKYO WORK DESIGN WEEK 2015~ people and companies.Talk session on the theme of "new relationship between people and company" tomorrow at Shibuya Hikarie
Mind that the change is, or to talk to people, when you put yourself in a new environment. ◎ Yokoishi Takashi's (TWDW organizer / BENCH)11 / 18-24, TDWD held at Shibuya Hikarie !
Shibuya Hikarie , pop-up store for foreign tourists to enjoy Shibuya!8/21 (Friday) to 23 (Sun), to target foreign tourists "SHIBUYA" POP UP "TOURIST STAND" open!
[Report] TWDW kick-off event - nobukazu kuriki's learn from the "way of working of the climbers."Climber-Kuriki, who lost both hands nine fingers, and the challenge was an opportunity to climb again ...
最近の渋谷における ベンチャー支援のトレンドについてRecently, I feel that there is a large flow of "trying to support the people of the business with a good idea."
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