I want to read to the herbivorous men "man of aesthetics."
かつて理想の男性像といえば、男臭さプンプン、豪放磊落な三船敏郎や、野性味溢れる松田優作だった。ところが、最近では「草食系男子」という言葉に象徴されるように、ゴツゴツした男っぽさは流行らない。むしろ、女性のような行動や趣向、容貌を持つ中性的な男性が好まれる。また、「男は男らしく」「女は女らしく」と言おうものなら「性差別だ!」と受け取られ、デリケートな問題にも発展しかねない。もはや、男が男らしく振る舞い難い時代といえるだろう。 そんな男性が中性化する中で、移動式書店「BOOK TRUCK」の店主・三田修平さんは「かつて良しとされていた(男性らしさという)価値観が失われるのは残念」と嘆く。とはいえ、現在31歳の三田さんご自身も「本好きの文化系男子」。自分の中に眠る「男らしさ」に目覚めたのは、渋谷・神山町の書店「SHIBUYA PUBLISHING & BOOKSELLERS(シブヤパブリッシングブックセラーズ)」で店長を務めたのち、2012年に大型トラック(=BOOK TRUCK)を店舗として書店をオープンしたのがきっかけ。商売を始めるにあたり、それまで全く興味がなかったクルマを思い切って購入。しかも、車種は80年代シボレーの大型バンだ。燃費が悪く設備費にもお金がかかるなど、よほど好きでなければ乗り続けられない代物と言える。三田さんは「今まで無縁だったクルマを買って、クルマ好きになった。こういう種類の男っぽさもいいなと思う」と心境の変化を明かす。とにかく『ダサい』『時代錯誤』と食わず嫌いせず、「かつて『男らしい』とされていた事柄に思い切って触れて見れば、『確かにカッコいいかも』と思える発見やヒントがきっと得られるはず」と力を込めて言う。 そこで今回の「シブヤ×ブックス」では、移動式書店「BOOK TRUCK」の店主・三田修平さんがブックセレクターとなり、「男の美学」をテーマにお薦め3冊をピックアップして紹介してもらった。古き良き武士道の精神を説く「三島由紀夫」、親世代の男らしさの象徴である「チャールズ・ブロンソン」、性を超越した中性目線で人間の美学を語る「淀川長治」という3人の賢者の言葉を通じ、三田さんと一緒に「男らしさとは一体何なのか?」という問いにじっくりと迫ってみたい。
BOOK TRUCK Shuhei Mita (bookstore history 9 years)
1982 年生まれ。「TSUTAYA TOKYO ROPPONGI」、「CIBONE 青山店」のブック担当を経て、渋谷の出版社兼書店「SHIBUYA PUBLISHING & BOOKSELLERS」の店長を開店から4年間務める。2012 年に独立し、同年 3 月、移動式本屋「BOOK TRUCK」を始動。2013年10月、妹島和世さん設計の「大倉山集合住宅」に初の固定店舗「BOOK APART」をオープン。その他にも馬喰町の飲食店「イズマイ」のブックセレクトなど、様々な 形で本の販売に携わる。
今回の取材は、三田さんが定期的に出店する「代官山ヒルサイド マーケット」で実施。同マーケットは毎月第一日曜日、「食と雑貨」「骨董・古書」「食と雑貨」「陶器」と季節毎にテーマを変えながら市を開催しており、三田さんは「骨董・古書の市」に参加している。詳しくはOfficial HP
One book to know the spirit of good old Bushido - "young for samurai"

- title
- "Young for samurai"
- Authors
- Yukio Mishima
- the publisher
- Nipponkyobunsha
- Release date
- July 10, 1969
- Price
- 924 yen (excluding tax)
- size
- 18.8cm × 13cm
- page
- 220P
Was serialized in "Pocket Punch Oh!", "Spirit lecture for young Samurai" (June to May 1969, 1968), it contributed to the "Bungei," "Ochazuke nationalism" (April 1966) , and essays such as "Tokyo University white to the zoo the" (No. 1969), contains a dialogue, etc. of the Takeo Fukuda et al., nationalism and self defense, the Constitution menu theory, such as the book of the problem that declared the counter-revolution. Was written a year before his death, "the young spirit lecture for the samurai" is, in the conventional sense of values increase the student movement is intensity to collapse, the discharge severely peace blur and the current situation negative, to the young man directed it can be said that the last will and testament, which showed the norms and guidelines of the way of life of the "Samurai".
<Mita's Recommended point of>
As the title of "the young to the samurai ...", essay shows the way of life and norms of towards the young Japanese man. Servants direct to live a modern, does not have educated "Bushido". It does not at all party feeling to say that "Samurai" to young people, I think I would not believe that anyone's samurai that of myself. But, through the Mishima of the words in this book to speak for it, we will be able to recognize for the first time something like a samurai image. It is very fresh thing. As is well known, Mishima is tightly thought also sentence also strict, people of aesthetics to find the aesthetic beauty. We have is not at the level of people that can be and so good to his manager, but, according to the aesthetics, which is backed by tradition "man of living like" There is a thing to hit the read person of mind. In particular essay, human nature of the author do not know is a glimpse in the novel, be easy to grasp the character of the writer with the original. I think with the understanding Mishima of human nature through the essay, then read a novel and more work is enjoyable. Young men, want to read to the City Boy are reading or "Popeye".
One book to know the symbol of masculinity of the parent generation - "STUDIO VOICE man's world."

- title
- STUDIO VOICE VOL.242'll meet a man of the world Bronson continent!
- Responsibility supervision
- 田口トモロヲ & みうらじゅん(ザ・ブロンソンズ)
- the publisher
- Release date
- 1996/2
- Price
- 571 yen (excluding tax)
- size
- 22.6cm × 30cm
- page
- 106P
サブカルなど魅力ある情報を発信した月刊カルチャー雑誌「スタジオボイス」(刊行期間は1979 年〜2009年)。1996年2月号の特集は「男の世界〜ブロンソン大陸で会おう!」。みうらじゅんさん、田口トモロヲさんが俳優チャールズ・ブロンソンさんの男気に憧れて結成したユニット「ザ・ブロンソンズ」が責任監修を行い、ブロンソンを通して語られる「男の美学」を語り尽くす特集号。主な企画は、ブロンソンがあごを撫でながら「う〜ん、マンダム」の名セリフで流行した「マンダムCFコレクション」や「ブロンソン大陸の男たち(リー・マービン、ジェイムズ・コバーン、スティーブ・マックイーンほか)」「ブロンソン大陸の夫婦たち(ジョン・レノン&ヨーコ・オノほか)」「ブロンソン大陸から聴こえる歌」「男気討論!ザ・ブロンソンズvsスチャダラパー」など。「ブロンソンの世界」を面白真面目に紹介した遊び心に富んだ特集号として、未だに高い人気を持つ一冊である。
<Mita's Recommended point of>
Manly appearance of the actor, Charles Bronson, who was armed with mustache is, this was a true icon that showed me the "man of the world" to the young people of the parent generation. At the time, the studio in the voice Taguchi Tomorou's, serialized life consultation corner Mr. Jun Miura is referred to as "listen to Bronson." To life consultation from readers, two people on behalf of Bronson had the answer to a certain chivalrous. This is unrivaled interesting. "If this kind of, how would solve you were him?" - To imagine a manly Code of Conduct of Bronson, ie is why leads to train the "man of aesthetics." For example, when CF shooting of Mandom, even time has come for the end of the contract "I want to absolutely another cut shot. Wonder not get another hour" picture Japanese staff that did not take of hope when you ask and, Bronson the "I'm a principle that does not work, except time of promise!" and strengthen the manner of speaking, laughing and grinning remaining back one hour needle of the watch "my watch'm well go mad ... still one hour. Saya episode that said wax. " Such chivalrous spirit certain words and deeds is what embarrassing contain perhaps the narcissism, but a man that can be natural nifty behavior that these are I think looking Do good. This book I want to read to the girls not only in particular sister. The Tteyuu man, clumsy fool! Please read also in order to have a look at it to tolerate. The world of Mishima specific Bushido to women. They would be hard to understand, there is a distance. But to Bronson specific "man of the world," there is a charm, "I think that after all, boys, huh This" get to understand laughing.
One book to know the human aesthetics that transcends gender - "aesthetics Introduction / night of the school 3"

- title
- Aesthetics Introduction / night of the school 3
- Author
- Nagaharu Yodogawa
- the publisher
- Madura publication
- Release date
- September 20, 1992
- Price
- 951 yen (tax included)
- size
- 19cm × 22.5cm
- page
- 99P
Yukichi Amano served as the planning and moderator, was broadcast on TV Tokyo late at night, "the night of the school." Itoi Itoi, Shinichi Nakazawa, Osamu Hashimoto, Hideki Noda, Yasushi Akimoto, such as Tamio Kageyama, a versatile lecturer to once every month week invited from various circles, unique program to perform a lecture in each theme. A total of 13 people of the lecture in the broadcast until August to March 1992 1991 is performed, books the proceedings by one book for each theme. It summarizes the "aesthetics Getting Started", "love of aesthetics," "laughter of aesthetics," "best of aesthetics," "life aesthetics" that Changzhi Yodogawa has lectured in the program, further special supplementary classes "movie is a Campus of love." It was a book.
<Mita's Recommended point of>
Yodogawa-san says the things that enrich the life from the movie and learned all. Yodogawa-san seems androgynous Viewpoints that through the life single will be the great help in both male and female. Was left to me is most impressive in this book is the chapter of the "best of aesthetics." Mr. Yodogawa you are watching a lot of foreign films, the French of "French chic", Americans such as "American chic", has been heading the "chic" in the foreign films. We will also or different tasteful and "Japanese chic" familiar, but the "essence" of the world thought I wish good attractive and dressed, respectively. Now of age, absolutely "efficiency" will be required. However, "chic" is exactly the story of another axis, can be thought of as a behavior (way of life) that does not put the "efficiency" in the first place. In modern times the information is full, just easy to understand is is important, explained things and sensuous things difficult is shunned often. That among those not divisible only such efficiency is the "emotion" and "richness" will be taught from Yodogawa's book. By all means, I want to read to the film lover.
Although I've seen three books this time, I think to establish a man image of my own, not that what "man of aesthetics" that live disciplined severely the action to the contrary. My "man of aesthetics," is that you do not "sell-out". The "sell-out", discharge the message of the society, but is a music term referring to the act of the (attitude) to find the only commercial achievement, a great wrapper · KRS over ONE of the United States (Careless One) is his book " Science of wrap - in the hip-hop Introduction ", said," sell-out "for it to issue a" sell the song is not a sell-out, lightheadedness eyes on short-term profits, we called sell-out when you lose your roots. " you have. I also I want to continue to compete with the chivalrous spirit so as not to lose their own roots.