Let's go to the trip read the book!
肌にジリジリと太陽が照りつける夏を迎えるたび、学生時代に大きなバックパックを背負い、異国の地で右往左往した日のことを思い出す。ジャック・ケルアックの「オン・ザ・ロード」や、沢木耕太郎の「深夜特急」に憧れて、自分の生きる力を試したくて、答のない何かを見つけたくて、ここではないどこかへ行ってみたくて…。「外国人の友だちをたくさん作ってやろう!」「俺は何かを掴んで帰ってくる!」と意気込み、いざ海外へ飛び出してみたものの、言葉の壁や習慣の違いから孤独感に苛まれ、結果的に同じ境遇の日本人ばかりとつるんでしまう。自分がいかに弱くて臆病なのか、旅を通じて思い知る。その一方で、必要に迫られれば、下手なジャングリッシュでも手振り身振りを交え、旅人同志、見知らぬ外国人とも楽しく会話ができることも学んだ。「旅」という非日常的な時間・体験は、未知の世界へ足を踏み入れる恐怖感と緊張感が伴う反面、私たちの知的好奇心を刺激し、日常では学べないことをたくさん教えてくれる。旅は何も若者だけの特権ではない!仕事に疲れたとき、人生につまずいたとき、一度は諦めた夢を取り戻すため、私たちはいつだって旅に出ることができるのだ。さぁ、書を読んで旅へ出よう。あの頃のように! さて今回の「シブヤ×ブックス」では、渋谷センター街にある「ヴィレッジヴァンガード渋谷宇田川店」の書籍担当・大森慧さんにブックセレクターを務めてもらった。「遊べる本屋」として知られるヴィレヴァンは、各ショップの書籍担当が地域性やトレンドなどを敏感にキャッチしながら、個性的でユニークな棚を作り上げているのが特徴。いわば、ヴィレヴァンの棚を見れば、現在の渋谷の若者たちが「何に興味を持っているのか?」「何を面白がっているのか?」、その感性や志向性を広く把握することができるのだ。そこで今回は本格的なレジャーシーズンを迎え、現在、渋谷宇田川店で販売が伸びている「旅本」をテーマに、入社10年目のベテランの域に入った大森さんにピックアップしてもらった。いわゆる普通のガイド本ではない、ヴィレヴァンらしいユニークな3冊は必見!
Books Contact: Satoshi Omori (year joined 10)
- 店 名:
- Village Vanguard Shibuya Udagawa shop
- 住 所:
- 渋谷区宇田川町33-1 渋谷グランドB1F
- 電 話:
- 03-5728-4227
- 営 業:
- 24 pm 10
- 取 扱:
- Books / Books / comic / goods, stationery
Complex type bookstore "Village Vanguard" is now, the whole country to expand the more than 400 stores. Among them around Shibuya Station other "Udagawa store", with a focus on women's goods "Marui City Shibuya", align the maniac products such as comics figure concentrate is three stores of "Shibuya Parco", the focus is Virevan one of the area. Udagawa store opened in November 2011, positioned as the flagship store boasts a shop area of the basement of about 300 square meters, continue to like new attempt and suggestions. Art and design, travel, picture book, women literature, Girl, subculture, cuisine, in addition to the usual categories such as comics, Baka Mote erotic, natural (life style system, such as natural and organic), Mushizu (unpleasant), etc. , have a reputation for sensuous shelf development and rare assortment.
Journey to come across to the miracle of the world - "! Would go in the rest of the five-day trip to the spectacular-unexplored"

- title
- "I would go on vacation for five days! Journey to the superb view-unexplored"
- Control work
- A-Works
- the publisher
- A-Works
- Release date
- 2012/12/22
- Price
- 1575 yen (tax included)
- size
- 21 cm
- page
- 304P
Guide books to determine the destination of a free man Ayumu Takahashi is produced. "Antelope Canyon" (the United States), "Baobab tree-lined" (Madagascar), "Iguazu Falls" (Argentina), etc., asked for another world of miracle the Earth was created, meet by chance in the best views to be a lifetime of treasure "superb view, unexplored the journey of the 40 election + α "presented in full color. From budget to arrange, with carefully explains the guide.
<Omori's Recommended point of>
Book of best-selling travel Udagawa shop. Over from graduation trip season to summer vacation, we sell around the twenties of students from the late teens. Beautiful unexplored region of the photo a lot, also because it has been also published such as the cost of roughly according to the travel expenses, is recommended for people who do not satisfied with the sights and tours of or come Ali. I do want to watch the "Aurora" is once before I die, I felt that I want to go to "Yemen Socotra island," I found in this book. Plants grow wild with the unusual shape, such as a large mushroom, it is like to feel like that glimpse of the unknown world. Charm of this book is, all go it to the location that is when all is said and done me. For example, if you decided while looking at the photo, "I want to take a look at the Aurora!", Then I think that may be examining deeply that of Canada, such as nets and expert guide. Such as "Do you want to see is what kind of scenery?", The best is to get one's foot in door and opportunity. I myself, because abroad is not through words, but I do not go quite scared, interest referred to as "Na like to see the unexplored region" has been infested throughout this book.
Journey of job hunting to broaden the chance - "the option of finding employment in the Seca 就 world!"

- title
- "The option of finding employment in the Seca 就 Save"
- Authors
- Moriyama stand
- the publisher
- Asahi Press
- Release date
- 2013/7/18
- Price
- 1575 yen (tax included)
- size
- 19 cm
- page
- 280 P
Best by pointing an eye on the "Secondary 就 (employment in the world)", opportunities and choices are spread Gunto. The characters Kimio Kawasaki was "Indonesia job hunting from the black tavern manager" (23), Eiko Suzuki was "Singapore employment from the super contract employees" (26), "Malaysia employment from the web production company," the Shunsuke Honda (25) such as, job hunting Novell was on the basis of the five true story men and women. Just put a little courage depicts the growth story of the young man who jumped out to foreign countries.
<Omori's Recommended point of>
Not a travel book, a book for to get a job in the world. Generally in how this is often teaching and way of overseas employment, this book is a novel based on a real-life experience. After the Moriyama Tatsu's author who wade the leading companies, specialists of the journey went out to backpackers themselves to overseas quit their jobs. Content is nearly the documentary, but by to reading material, there to have given a new perspective to people that are not aware of the overseas employment. So to speak, it might also say the modern version of "Midnight Express". Currently, Japan's employment environment is Toka black companies, Toka job shortage ..., I can not help but feel the anxiety and darkness in the future. I went abroad to take the plunge a person was a part-time workers, Toka are able to work energetically grabbed the success ..., to the world a chance there is still, the message that I want to spread more the eyes that is a narrow downward rice are we. In addition, this book not simply mean that recommended the overseas employment is, rather, "Do I still overseas impossible, harambee in Japan," read this some people may think. After I also junior college graduates, but I worked for about two years at the Village Vanguard, the aim of comedian that was longing, there was a time that had passed through the school once quit their jobs. "Now,? The good in this state," such as "whether yourself career?", I want to read as a chance to the people who are suffering from work reconsider their own.
Gourmet journey to feel the feelings of the founder - "Travel - over a national food chain head office pilgrimage - Roots"

- title
- "Travel - over a national food chain head office pilgrimage - Roots"
- Authors
- the publisher
- Daiwa Shobo
- Release date
- 2013/7/28
- Price
- ¥ 1365 (tax included)
- size
- 19.2 cm
- page
- 160 P
Everyone know the land of the beginning of the major food chains, gourmet guide a new sense over the whole country in search of the head office spirit. The author of techno-based composer, remixer, BUBBLE-B (Baburubi) who worked as a DJ. Wake up to head office tour since 2004, we opened the blog, "the head office of the journey". Since then, the guru of the head office pilgrimage to continue the journey through the food chain at home and abroad. Yoshinoya, Matsuya, Tokyo Power rice, Mos Burger, such as CoCo Ichibanya, all 48 stores, published in 160 pages all color.
<Omori's Recommended point of>
Such as "Saizeria" "Hidakaya", is a book that everyone is to introduce the first store of food and beverage outlets nationwide chain that knows. Because I think that was one shop is the shop owner's fondness many, the taste of the head office unique, service quality, such as the build of the store, I think that become visible Good not in the other shops. Virevan also there is a head office in Nagoya, but since I was using originally the warehouse to the store, running very different from the state of the current store. Also, while I work in Tokyo, often to be aware of the "Nagoya" of the head office, such as, for example, match the Neapolitan and curry, or rather messy feeling of Nagoya flow, dexterity is miscellaneous goods and the combination of that match and, we are conscious even when the shelf making. In this book, "Fuji Soba" (Shibuya-ku, Udagawa-cho, 26-6), "Yomen'ya Goemon" (Shibuya Jinnan 1-7-8), "Capricciosa" (Shibuya-ku, Higashi 1-3 -1), "freshness Burger" (Shibuya-ku Tomigaya 2-23), and the like, have been also introduced the shop was born from Shibuya. Since it has been particularly there are many head office is in Tokyo, also it might be interesting in one hand a book try to go to a gourmet journey one shop.
Since Virevan customers are young, reading a book, such as the chosen this time, I want you to look at the world out on a lot of travel to the young. If not to the back backer, I want anyway to widen the eyes. Even without 's journey in which it was a decent, even anything, "Let's go to look at the chain store one shop!". Since the book has sold in Virevan is not a technical book, First, here asked grabbed a starting point, I want you to chance to take the first step. And, it Once you interested, the next step is I think that may be allowed to buy the textbooks at a major bookstore in Shibuya.