Shibuya culture project

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"Bombay · sapphire" period bars open for overlooking Shibuya scramble intersection opened

It is open for the limited time for Bombay · Sapphire "PRIME MOMENT Bar" from May 23 (Wednesday) to May 27 (Sun) at the rooftop space "MAG's PARK" of the commercial facility "MAGNET by SHIBUYA 109" in front of Shibuya station.

This event will be developed as PR of "Bombay · sapphire" which is known as popular premium · gin. With a brand message saying "The best moment with the finest gin tonic", this time it is held at the observation stand of "MAGNET by SHIBUYA 109" just recently renewed.
▲ "MAGNET by SHIBUYA 109" just recently renewed on Saturday, April 28
「109MEN'S」から「MAGNET by SHIBUYA109」に名称と業態を改めた同施設の一番の注目点は、屋上スペース「MAG’s PARK」の一般開放と渋谷スクランブル交差点を一望できる「CROSSING VIEW」の新設。今回のイベントでは、交差点を眼下に見下ろすことができる「CROSSING VIEW」のガラス壁面に特設のバーカウンター(8席)を設けて、夜景を眺めながらお酒を楽しむことが出来るという趣向である。
▲ A special counter bar is installed along the roof glass wall.
Because 109 is the west side, it is good to have a drink while watching Shibuya where the sky turns red from around evening not only night view. Unfortunately this time it is a limited time opening until 27th, but I definitely want you to have a bar for the summer.

Bombay · Sapphire "PRIME MOMENT Bar"

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