Shibuya culture project

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Vivian of private Movie Review
"Unlicensed nursery Kabukicho chick set!"

Atashi has appeared "Fishing stupid diary 13 Hama-chan close call!"In (2002), the first installment feature memorable Kenno director who served as assistant director is, Shibuya this weekUplinkIt has been published in! "Unlicensed nursery Kabukicho chick set!"
Juntsugi Kudo of Okawa sets of the gang had been a big success as a popular DJ at a radio station FM89.3 of Kabukicho (about the). . . Such folding, the movie will start from the place where a large river sets of boss suddenly died. Testament of the previous boss from his wife, Mineko predecessor had been about to be reading right now. Okawa set of the next boss on earth to whom? ? ? The last wills of,

"I entrust to Jun following the director."

Just it has been marked. Before boss is told from Mineko that had run a nursery school in Kabukicho, was that the appointment to the director of the nursery "chick Garden" to the quasi-next!
Chick Gardens was host and hostess, temple existence of nursery narrowing came of their parents of translation work in Kabukicho. Parents are also the children have had a variety of trouble there is no responsibility. Initially albeit at Atsushitsugi the children hate to Russia, thick personality to humanity, so that gradually open up the children. It taught a modified way, cradling the way of diapers from or his wife and daughter. . .
Also quasi next pressed all the way daughter cherry husband Narushi is the opposite of the family, "for the children of the bright future" and said he to run for the House of Councilors in the slogan, will cause another troublesome. . . This is also down here is complaining of poor child-rearing issues / child-rearing environment in a different form, but ,,,.

Among them, a new problem broke out. The location of the chick Garden is located in another big violence Orchestra mansion set of island, using the presence or absence of the survival and permissions, become Okawa assembly and likely to develop into a mansion set of the entire conflict. But there was a betrayal of both the gang in this. . .

Put a lot of children yakuza of Kabukicho is a large wheelbarrow, such that become panic-stricken the singing and dancing 伎町 is, modern Lone Wolf? Hata also, declining birthrate, system, which was fitted to the type of nursery / child care is cause to reveal the problem of the current generation society. . . Now the gap industry is not padded only that by no longer thick old gangster of the hand of humanity? ? ?

Guest blogger / Vivienne Sato
Kanazawa Institute of Technology Department of Architecture graduate school after graduation, through the studio of the Mr. Shin Isozaki, started working as an artist. Beside infested dressed in colorful costumes and wigs to clubs and parties, stage art, illustrations, essays, film criticism, also, such as wigs and fashion, interior design, are active across the region.

Vivienne Sato official site

Interview (November 10, 2006)

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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