Shibuya culture project

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Chaste and innocent girly movie

The other day,Theatre Image ForumMovie in had been revival screenings"Daisies"The was appreciation. Czech female director, although Vera Hitirova was manufactured in 1966, caught in the censorship of anti-government representation authorities, yes there is a history that has been finally published it in the 1990s.

Contents will run out in particular "take a Hodai action you want to do is have likely girl duo is out to Kyoko Okazaki manga", many people feel sympathy not even a girl to two people of the action maneuver to free enough to feel good will you. Dressed in a swimsuit, such as' 60s fashion and accessories of dress or optical pattern of the A-line, jumping well and chatting, chop everything with scissors, burned with the fire in the paper that decorate the inside of the room put away. And because often eat things often scene, After watching, was made such a movie want anyway Hobari stomach full of something.

There is a looks specific high work rated as "stylish girly movie", but the message of anti-establishment political entanglement also studded everywhere, like film director to represent the Czech Republic, Jan Švankmajer of"Lunacy"Lead also to such as, mettle and feel part of as a representation seeking the freedom of expression there were many. Image and of abruptly flowing war in the last scene, flower, which means "innocent, chaste", Atari also quite ironic that in the title of the daisies has worked. Misregistration and collages, such as the video itself is also experimental many attempts cut up, among other things, in the landscape, such as covered with cellophane of red, blue and yellow, the scene of the train is hurtling in fast forward while pulling the thread of light, the fun of the movie and the director of the will seems to represent a, was a good moment of very have watched feeling.

(Photo from the movie "Daisy")

Editorial · M

1977 downtown Tokyo born. It is a weakness in the contemporary art and FISHMANS and Hitoshi Matsumoto and Tsunashima hot spring.

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