Shibuya culture project

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Movie Part 3 was the Shibuya on stage
"Sakura of Kyoki"

Maruyama-cho, and cultural village street ... in the center city, the impressive as a work that had been running around the Shibuya freely is Kubozuka Yosuke starring "Cherry Kyoki". 2002, road shows by the distribution of Toei. Many scenes bird's-eye view from above the Shibuya of the city, this is ya anywhere in the building上にカメラを置いて撮影したのだろう・・・と、ついつい想像してしまいます。ストーリーは、反社会的行動を行うネオナチならぬ、「ネオ・トージョー」と名乗る3人の若きナショナリストの暴走と挫折を描いたもの。日本の未来を憂い、改革を志すべく、ダビデの星のようなシンボルマーク、白い特攻服に身を包んだ彼らは、汚いゴミを一掃するのと同様に渋谷でチャラチャラとしている不良、チーマーたちに対し、「暴力こそ正義」という信念のもとに”奪還(=カツアゲ)” ”強制(=暴行)” "排泄(=強姦)"という制裁を次々に加えていく・・・。こうした破天荒で、向こう見ずなネオ・トージョーの行状は、右翼系暴力団・青修同盟の会長(原田芳雄さん)からも一目を置かれる存在へ。−−次第に調子づく3人であったが、何も知らずに青修同盟と対立する暴力団の息の掛かったクラブを襲撃したことが発端となり、事態は青修同盟と暴力団との抗争へと発展します。いわば、「暴力こそ正義」といきがっていた彼らが大人たちの裏の世界に完全に翻弄され、それぞれ力を失い、最終的に悲劇を迎えます・・・。

Speaking of Shibuya, father hunting, in which young people and adults of the conflict axis is conspicuous, such as compensated dating ..., setting that young people Ureu the youth novel. "I like Japan, recent Japanese hate" Mariko Takahashi impersonate heroine is "now the Japanese people have it rotten" that, so, rather than adults, that there is such a consciousness in the same generation of young people you surprised. However, to respect the young people Ryoma Sakamoto, wearing a T-shirt of Che Guevara, in the place that became the mood in the revolutionary fashion, who How mad is, do not know what to do toward the should Tsukisusume. Something is wrong, we all rotten, politics is bad, thought is bad, while the usual complaints the mouth and war is bad..., Such as the 1960s, the young people of the 1970s had been a student movement energy anywhere without, give up because it is troubled times, as a result, there is only feign indifference. Such young people in many cases, neo - • - although the presence of Joe is Hakichigae the "justice", in a sense, not might be a hero existence. Of course, there is no essence of the word Kubozuka Yosuke impersonate Yamaguchi emitted by "ideology", but, Toka it is correct, the argument that is wrong is actually feel like good anyhow. Was thrown out in no ideal age, young unstable state of revolutionaries is, in a sense, is realistic. After all, violence is, it will be culled by further huge violence, but ....

The song that plays in the whole volume also is responsible for the environment, drugs, politics, religion, war, HIP HOP group, known for work with a radical message of "King Ghidorah" is. Among them, I was born and raised also members of ShibuyaK DUB SHINEMs. autobiography, which was announced in July this year "Shibuya of DonIn the "80s of things or bad group" Chima ", has told also, such as that he had served on patrol have formed the Shibuya vigilantes" R's "," neo-capital of this work - with Joe. " overlap is perhaps was unexpectedly large. In addition to the video, there is no place to go, even one far from the hear the lyrics of the representation of the realistic Shibuya of young people, "King Ghidorah".

And although rich in the planning of, or actually the extent of the person who saw the movie were sympathetic to this work is a little doubt. In order to not end in a small difficult social faction movie, dare perhaps be fused with entertainment color it is rather backfired. Informal a scene cut the haircut, than was good attacking the bulls will feel and so on. Now was the Shibuya on the stage, speaking of work depicting the way of life of carefree youth, yes to not remind Johnny Okura's, movie Kyohei Shibata was starring "Chi Ng-Pi-La" (the Toru Kawashima Director) It is not. Setting of Shibuya of young people who do not belong anywhere, but there is a place that leads to as "cherry Kyoki", many of the young people of the time, Johnny Okura-san, I want freedom to live as Kyohei Shibata, and rather parentheses Charachara good and, it seems to have felt a longing. In month of 20 years, it will once again realize that major changes in the consciousness of Shibuya of young people has occurred.
"Sakura of Kyoki" this is one star. ★ ☆☆☆☆

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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