Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Autumn rice ball of the department store basement

Bonju! Doh, all have been busy .... Now Yamamoto I want to run away from here .... Now, many weak fine desk work of the request, day-to-day withdrawal. It is what really boil down and followed by a day of these as a freelance writer to work at home. Absolutely When you are ready to earn more than now, we'll make a comfortable work room to the neighborhood! So as to make the work room in Shibuya, I'll do my best.

さて、今日はデパ地下のオススメおにぎりを紹介。東急百貨店東横店、のれん街にある「重吉」はおにぎり専門店。ランチタイムには常に行列ができる人気店です。握りたてというのはもちろん、20種ほどあるいろいろな具に目も心もお腹も奪われます。自宅で作るおにぎりは梅や昆布など具が決まっていますが、そこはデパ地下。おにぎりにも旬の食材も一緒に握ったものを発見! 画像がものすごい汚くて申し訳ないですが、身をほぐさずに大きなカットのまま握った秋鮭握りは鮭の旨みがダイレクトに伝わります。もうひとつはなんと秋刀魚の蒲焼握り! 上からぴょこんと飛び出しているのが秋刀魚なのですが、蒲焼にした秋刀魚にマヨネーズとレタスを一緒に握っており、サラダ感覚で食べられます。ボリュームもあり食べ応え充分! 

Three consecutive holidays of going out you are determined by the rice ball that would taste together also side dishes in one bite! But there is no plan to me .... Ainsworth. Earns'll ーーー!

Shibuya-based gourmet writer Yamamoto

Born in 1980, Shibuya-ku, resident of nearby Yoyogi Park since 2004. Yoyogi Park from Shibuya Station, is mainly infested spot to around Yoyogi Uehara. Sweeping across Shibuya of the city by bike, walking eating Shibuya food for more than 10 years. The restaurant is focused on cost performance and service. What you like is latte, beer, meat.

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