Shibuya culture project

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Vivian of private Movie Review
"Azur and Asumaru"

In public Michel Oslo's new animation that has worked a new Video clip of Bjork "Azur and Asumaru" we are at Shibuya Cinema Angelica. I also have appeared in Ghibli Nakajima director and talk show the other day. Oslo director such as "Kirikou and the Sorceress" and "Prince and Princess", it'll be highly rated in its own visual beauty and music.

Azul, which was brought up to the nanny (Europe area / France) and Asumaru (Islamic / Maghreb). Two people but can be brought up as if from when you were born like a real brother, the would have been torn apart by his father prior to adult. Asumaru would also chased from France along with the mother (nanny for the Azul). Become each other adult, Azur is go on a journey to rescue the gin of fairies had been told from childhood from the nanny. So also two people reunited. . .
France / Europe area and the Maghreb / ​​Islamic world, what is thought ,,, story of the old father of the generation thinking and young new generation of conflict is also a number to appear, it boys of growth and mutual understanding has been drawn. . .


オスロ監督のこのオリジナルの物語はとても現代性に溢れていて、テーマは「イスラム世界とヨーロッパ世界の不理解と理解」という全く今日的なの。でも何がファンタジーかといえばその美しい画面はもちろんだけれども、人間の心が変わること。心のなかに化学変化が起きて、異文化を理解することこそがファンタジーで素晴らしい の奇跡である事が理解できるわ。 

Really funny movie. Returns After not interesting money! ! !

Work information of the movie "Azur and Asumaru"

Talk show of the Vivienne Sato and Ghibli Nakajima director(Compass TV)

■ latest Video clip of Bjork "Earth Intorudazu" (youtube)

Guest blogger / Vivienne Sato
Kanazawa Institute of Technology Department of Architecture graduate school after graduation, through the studio of the Mr. Shin Isozaki, started working as an artist. Beside infested dressed in colorful costumes and wigs to clubs and parties, stage art, illustrations, essays, film criticism, also, such as wigs and fashion, interior design, are active across the region.

Vivienne Sato official site

Interview (November 10, 2006)

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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