Starting from Shibuya
Movement of the new "manufacturing"
Subjects I liked best at the time of the elementary school students should people often referred to as "arts and crafts!". My child to become a 3-year-old also, and looking at the manner in which or loved already clay play and work from time to reach the age of reason, desire to "create things" is, in the desire that naturally inherent in human beings I feel that or not.
But as an adult, arts and crafts and the work was so much love and suddenly notice is, or would have ended up with things imperceptibly far, not many people of the that.
■ IT of the city, and has started to move in Shibuya new "manufacturing" is
By the way What is the "manufacturing". According to the Wikipedia it has been the "manufacturing and where-used technology, refers to the people of thing, especially it is often used to these representations in the case of advanced manufacturing by hand, such as a craftsman."
People to image the Ota-ku, from the word such a "manufacturing" would also be many. In fact in Ota-ku, integrated about 4,000 small-scale factory, mainly metal of the materials and the manufacturing technology is world-renowned.
But it in general to the people a little distant world, is that such a thing is to bring to it even if there is image factory that want to make, but it is a high tremendous hurdle.
実はここ渋谷で、従来とはちょっと違った「ものづくり」が渋谷周辺で動き出しています。 今までの「製造業的ものづくり」と違うのは、個人が気軽に使えるところ。 例えば道玄坂にある「FabCafe」は名前の通り、美味しいコーヒーやスイーツ(今ならかき氷も!)を提供するカフェ。 普通と違うのは、お店の中に3Dプリンターやレーザーカッターがあること。 マカロンに好きなデザインを印刷したり、iPhoneケースに愛犬の写真をレーザーで焼き付けたり。 初心者でも大丈夫なように、ワークショップも開催しているので安心です。
In addition to the 7F of large stores of Muji (Seibu Movida Museum) there is LOFT &, Muji and of goods under, and UV printer, I can be customized by using a laser cutter.
Such is said to Fab space, we base from which to can Dari easy do or individuals to use feel free to by the latest digital technology never been machine only to the factory now has been integrated from around 2012 to around a peripheral Shibuya .
■ TOKYO FABBERS inauguration
Among such movement, Shibuya neighborhood of six Fab space (FabCafe,FabLab Shibuya,Makers' Base,Happy Printer,Coromoza,IID Setagaya Monozukuri schoolA press conference was held in Shibuya Hikarie on July 28th (Mon) on the 7/28 (Mon) that launched the "TOKYO FABBERS".
The purpose of this TOKYO FABBERS is, "to support the people to create a new life style that is based on manufacturing to the axis of the digital fabrication technology". If say, to create a community for the more willingly that allow easy the manufacturing support even for beginners. For example, to open in conjunction with the workshops, is so going to disseminate a wide range of information that information on the site.
In Shibuya, it is even more much likely movement will accelerate the "manufacturing".
Precisely because what you need became the era can buy anything the Internet, remembering the fun making of a child, why not own of the "manufacturing"? Mono surely with originality, I think that is also pleased with the gift.
Children's workshops that you can experience in summer vacation
We will introduce the creative-based workshops where you can enjoy in the future.
Workshop Expo workshop Collection 10 for children
Children's Science Center Hachirabo
アラフォー。渋谷区内に勤務の2児の母。 趣味は写真を観たり、撮ったりすること。