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★ as "Violetta"
Similarity of "the act of killing." ★

Method of "re-speak".
Lolita movie "Violetta" with society faction movie "the act of killing" is the same technique movie.

The two movies that have come up with France newborn Lolita actress, on the one hand. Also become a topic on the other this year's Academy Awards, more documentary ultra society faction movie that was said to be impossible shooting future.
The two are in fact are made in much the same approach, we the similarity very interesting.


"Violetta" is not enthusiastic performance actor two Isabelle Huppert and Denis Lavant Cannes-based representative of France, is innocent lovely presence of nascent Anna Maria-Varutoromei the topic of French Lolita-based actress.
Finally the public, but the public was has been under threat in Japan. As the director of Eva Ionesco and Anna Maria-Varutoromei chan play a visit to Japan also in Japan has shown a climax. . .

Popular female photographer Irina Ionesco in Japan. Or dress the fruit of erotic costumes and underwear to the daughter, was taken to a variety of produce a nude photo of themselves in the studio. Has been described as "the world that fragrant Arabian perfume" to Suehiro Tanemura's.
Photos exiting from Toreviru and Libro port also can be seen in bookstores now.

Not depicted in this movie, but the episode that opportunity to Irina began to take a photo you can see from the interview of the literature.
There was a child that the girl Anouk in the neighborhood of dementia. It says she was exactly like surprisingly Irina of girlhood. Innocent, the fact that dementia is, was the beauty of "girl" of Anouk to complete, and. It is now at the same time fame and scandalous topics with a photograph of her daughter Eva Irina, but in a series of photos of Eva has been said that there is a remnant of the image of Anouk. In this movie it has been portrayed as a story immediately after some kind of break with pure girl Anouk of the dementia.
(Eva's is it is because we have ignored completely, but she ,,,, That should be it could not only interested in their own story. Details will be described later.)

In the play, whether Eva director himself went Why become the mother of the subject, human relations, such as conflict and lovers of the parent-child relationship from becoming the subject, the pair enters the isomerization of others from the world of only two women we will continue to be such as is depicted how the change in the relationship between. (Had been loyal to the elementary school of Eva-chan "roller skating", little was wearing at the time of the shooting at the mother's atelier "High Heels", and ending break out in the "barefoot" from the nursing facility. This change is interesting. )

In the play, such as episodes and conversation in person only not know will be faithfully reproduced. So, this is or a so-called "easy-to-read feature films", is not a thing words, such as I want to say something. . . In spite of the fact that using the two major actors that the part that is actually Isabelle Huppert and Denis Lavant,'s the reason why take on the Class B specific aspects.

However, this movie is the fact and conversation at the time interwoven it original purpose, whether or not will lead what is the context and events, is not a purpose that. Some of the characters and context from you in is, there is also a function does not play the part of in the genre of so-called narrative movie. Is noticeable, such as the middle disappear would context and suddenly appear context. However, it's such that there is no relationship at all in this movie.

同じ劇場では、『アクト・オブ・キリング』というインドネシアで、60年代に実際に共産党員を何万人も殺害してきたマフィアの映画が上映されており生ます。なんと、彼らは現在のインドネシア社会では英雄になっております。 彼らに当時どのように殺害したかを再現してもらうというドキュメンタリーです。その再現をしているうちにマフィアのボスは、次第に自分たちのしてきたことが果たして本当に善行だったのかどうか、、、に疑問を持ち始めます。 しかし、実はもともと無意識にそのことについて、彼は50年間悩み続けていたことではないかと思うのです。彼らは50年間心のどこかで疑問を持っていたのです。。 

"Violetta" is also "act-of-ring" is also that the person who is the "re-speak", that you can not understand in life, you try to understand the things that inconsistent. People we will not move forward and come across in such matters. . .

After the earthquake, you may have heard to say that see a lot of ghosts for a period of time in the Pacific Ocean coast. Kunio Yanagida "Tono story" has been introduced in 99 episodes, but not a terribly scary ghost, it was not able to speak during his lifetime, we talk with the ghost that did not suits, forgiveness. You need a ghost is born.
When you experience the intense and serious loss experience, we need to "re-speak" as its healing effect. . .

Movie, there is the effect of the "re-speak as a healing", the impression received from these two movies is a thing of a completely different texture, but the fact is a movie to seek a common effect of healing of the same structure. . .

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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