Shibuya culture project

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What is the NOddIN (Nodin)?
Video artist who has a new perspective through the nuclear power plant accident

"NOddin". The name that was turned upside down "nippon". Collective that going to live with a different point of view and up to now.

Picture event after 3 · 11 of Kitai filmmaker eight +1 people. 2 / 2sun, we participated in the talk show. Screening event until 2 / 7fri.

Earthquake, tsunami, nuclear accident (still not converge), reputational damage, reconstruction ,,, and now that various problems have been integrated.
The fact that the "experience", human beings have never experienced a war, whether the talk about the fact of war, or the responsible of where the, issue of compensation and so on, has been discussed in recent years a variety of fields. But 3-11 was experienced by most human beings are currently alive.
The 20th century was said to be century of war and the video. Relationship of propaganda property and weapons and camera as a national policy to have the video there is something deep-rooted.
Video artists to the presence of the client based on the commercial until now is, that the cut in the current of their own without a client, I think it is a screening meeting was in the works that are visible. Every time there is also a talk show.

Certainly on this occasion.

[Program A] a total of 75 minutes※ full-time screening
TaniIchiro "Here, There" 4:50
Shoda Yukihiro "RISE" 2:35
Kakimoto Kensaku "FUKUSHIMA" 17:10
Tange Kouki "history of series TV (250 episodes / 255 episodes)," 3: 39/3: 05
Takahide Ishii "Matsumachi" 10:41
Tange Kouki "letter to worry about you." 6:19
Ami Sato "Ce qui arrive" 8:07
Sekine Hikarisai "IVAN IVAN" 9:03
Tange Kouki "Letter to the Future" 5:13

[Program B] a total of 27 minutes※ 2/2 (day), 4 (Tuesday), screening only 5 (water)
Daisuke Shimada "right now." 26:53

[Program C] a total of 20 minutes and 33 seconds※ 2/2 (day), 6 (Thursday), showing only 7 (gold)
Tange Kouki "Tokyo Miracle Love Story" 5:02
Tange Kouki "history of series TV (176 episodes / 257 episodes / 300 episodes)," 4: 59/3: 21/7: 11

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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