Shibuya culture project

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"NUMEN / FOR USE" Asia's first solo exhibition
Tape installation, such as a nest of atypus karschi

Austria, Asia's first solo exhibition, which is based in Croatia "NUMEN / FOR USE (Numen / For Use)" are currently held at the Aoyama Spiral Garden.

Artist collective "NUMEN / FOR USE" is composed of Christophe Katsura, Sven Yonke, male 3 Nicolas Raderukovitchi. Stage art, industrial design, space design and public art, which is a group who are active worldwide in various fields beyond the region to the installation. The group name is when you design such as functional furniture using the "FOR USE", when you produce a free creations and activities under the name of "essentially" a meaning of "substantially", "NUMEN" 's right there.
In the "TAPE TOKYO" current competitions now, "tape installation" is on display is their masterpiece. Along with the feel impressed by the grand scale, excitement does not stop the rich structure in the playful, such as if it were athletic.

But, I wonder if I made together how this kind of large structures?

Wow, what this installation is made over and over again while winding a plastic tape of the above photo. In addition, you can also enter a person to structure internal reminiscent of a nest of giant cocoon and atypus karschi.

Because it is a structure that is caught with vinyl tape, it has been limited number of people to put inside 4 people, a place that is a circle of the central portion to up to two people at the same time.

And "peace of mind" as wrapped in white cocoon, such as was the fluffy, such as has been rocked in a hammock "feeling of floating", us to stimulate the daily we do not experience the feeling.

After all large, beautiful, fun art. By all means, I want to watch a lot of people.

Yes Period: December 2013 4 days until the (water)
Yes hours 11:00 to 20:00
Yes Venue: Spiral Garden (spiral 1F)
Yes Admission: Free
〇 Official:Http://

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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