Shibuya culture project

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Vivian of private Movie Review
★ movie "Crazy Horse
☆ Paris night jewelry us "★

!!! The screening of "Crazy Horse ☆ Paris night of jewelry us" is the finally Shibuya bunkamura Le Cinema is now up to 8 / 10fri


Or submitted comments to the official website, it is one of the movies that I would like to see burlesque dancer tamayo decent appearance or ,,, all means of friend to talk show in Hikarie. Director of the "Zoo", "BALLET American Ballet Theatre of the World" and the documentary of the great master Frederick Wiseman was taken to "La Danse".

Wiseman has said the "illusion" that complicated of human beings involved in the theater that exists in reality this Crazy Horse in an interview. Perfectly beautiful women of the owners of the illusion that want to earn a lot of money by showing a nude, perfect squeeze out the production of the idea of ​​the show of Philippe Decouflé fantasy, our staff of fantasy, stockholders of fantasy, also there the audience of fantasy from all over the world, and dancers of the illusion of being able to sing or dance at the Crazy Horse. They revolve around the "place" of the Crazy Horse. The structure is nothing rather than a phenomenon that only has a place called Crazy Horse, has a unique name, position different human involvement multiple or more of, it all holds true to what works as a media.

About the movie technique of documentary, but must be completely distinct from material that has been treated and the movie itself, the case of Wiseman, tickers without even narration. The pushiness is not felt at all in the direction of the intended and perspectives of the authors for the subject matter. Infinitely transparent. But what it seems to the transparency is actually has given rise to something like the absolute gravity of not over-view.

The various things are exposed in the film.

For example ,,, daytime of Crazy Horse. Smell of tobacco that was ingrained in the walls and carpet, overflowing drink is ingrained sofa, such as soar dust visible by sunlight coming insert from the door facing the daytime boulevard.
And of course the dancers of the rehearsal hall and dressing room, her their real face. Not the moment to be glimpse of the girls naked as when you are horseplay the NG collection of famous ballet dancers in the dressing room to look at everyone. In practice to be aware of the stage production in and camera, much naked than the audition of the landscape.
Also, what kind to continue to run the future of the well-established store Crazy Horse, leaders are discussing ,,, whether reform or tradition is.
And director, costume designer, musician, a variety of personality full of people, such as intense staff will be introduced. . .
As such, the existence of Crazy Horse itself and its surroundings are in naked, it is exposed to the images with a variety of officials and of the box. . .

By But transparency of the photographic technique of the Wiseman More than anything, those that voyeur instinctual drive to have the original of our own have seen this movie, media and our relationship that movie, the two is the most naked that notice to yourself. Ultimately without the dancers being naked, not even in the shop called Crazy Horse, seem themselves they've watched the light that is reflected to the nest clean is to bare. . .

Dancer Nuka and the baby of the Crazy Horse has appeared as a model in the works among the current exhibition in the Christian Louboutin exhibition at London's Design Museum called "FETISH". It is wearing the shoes of Louboutin, which Devitt Lynch was taken. Francis Bacon is a thick piece of itself.


Movie to Friday next week. I recommend ~! ! !

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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