Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

★ Pepe Torumento Asuka Lahr
Guidance of vivi sheet ★

Shoman. In seventy-two climate "(ham silkworm every hoe) KoOkoshi diet mulberry". This time is that the time to start eating the mulberry the spirited silkworms to make silk was Japan's big business until the Meiji. About the fact that possible from the smooth silk of silkworm cocoon, the young people of many favorite fashion do you that you know. This season, sound eating mulberry your silkworm like is too large, the human sericulture field is apparently could not sleep with worry and do not listen to the sound. . .
"Silk" and "insomnia".
This word is a guide of the Kikuchi Naruyoshi's live perfect for.

"South America of Elizabeth Taylor after 1000 years," Pepe Torumento Asuka Lal organized 5th anniversary tour
6/9WED open/start19:00- @恵比寿LIQUIDROOM guest:林正子(soprano)/立岩順三(percussion) live:DE DE MOUSE DJ:菊地成孔/三浦康嗣
Advance 4.000 / 4.500 on the day

★ Vivienne sheet accepted ★
4.000 / day with 4.500 → 4.000 + 1drink advance at this time all standing
☆ Your name:
☆ your phone number. Attaching please contact:
☆ number:


Too late, description unnecessary or I think, but ,,, with the name of "lady-killer by (pepe) / Candied (tormento) / torture (azcarar)", a strange piece orchestra (piano unprecedented in the world, Wood base, two groups of percussion, string quartet, bandoneon, harp and 11 people organization of sax / vocal / Kondakutsu by Kikuchi) is formed as a special unit for the stage act of "South America of Elizabeth Taylor" (2005) -like It has been. Fifth anniversary in the next live.
Renewed Members in the billed and non-film music that has been cursed in the movie "amnesia Studies", Masako Hayashi (soprano) the celebrated "New York Hell Sonic Ballet" (2009/10/29) announced.
And now recurrence !!! as a bonus track the "funeral of Lupe Velez" in "South America of Elizabeth Taylor" is 2009/12 / 4Bunkamura Orchard performances

(Funeral of Lupe Velez)

(Night naked)

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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