Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people


Flow and the blue sky is clear, pleasant air.
Tabeyo' in pleasant place about is .... lunch work on a day like this!
この日にきたのは、渋谷の道玄坂に面した、きれいな緑の街路樹を目の前にしたオープンテラスのあるお店「THE DUBLINERS' CAFE&PUB」。
Yes and such as Guinness beer is put in the fact that the Irish pub, also have ... I went envious people who are drinking from daytime
Lunch submitted on beer one eye, Mexican rice.
It is a plate of chili. I felt in appetite advances slightly spicy, but the salsa suffering from salad was hard.
It even blowing wind feels good, to green is also easy on the eyes.
Just a moment, I forgot work ☆



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