Shibuya culture project

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Indispensable cafe Udagawa

Bonjour! Yamamoto is in the study as usual dawdling and French. I can not remember the words have at all! ! Medium and high age, how I'm studying to do (well, was not the first place you) ....... And is not been able to study vicious cycle ...... it is to blame to work. Of course one of the excuses you can not study also cafe and bar time with friends. Because Perle (chat) with friends Morne is a need. Yesterday I am saying also I have been to the "Udagawa Cafe" (today, ...... for tuition).

"Udagawa Cafe" is a cafe that has worked is music label L & K. Previously, it was a room in the building is transferred to the next to the Shibuya Quattro. It became a glass-walled first floor of the open space. Night while located in the center cityChillin has spread adult space. Menu is creative cafe rice studded in a good way from Crisp and appetizer system to smash pasta and curry. I feel free to eat cafe rice, I like and fairly. Of course, but there is also a place to remove the rice, to rise even talk that it is between friends. After drinking, to coffee drink (it can not be in the tavern)! I think I would become a rice than the story because the restaurant's and seriously become concentrated in the rice. It is regrettable. Order "shrimp and avocado salad", "Ario Orio of Suzuki and black olives", "tripe tomato stew of", the "gateau chocolat" yesterday. We had fun with the story of the marriage story and age of friends (late twenties is in the women tend to). Cafe in the dating and after work, we same, full of obsessed girls in chat. Flat put, eat in the mood of the day, speak. There was again so was grateful that the cafe that can matter of course is in the Shibuya.

Shibuya-based gourmet writer Yamamoto

Born in 1980, Shibuya-ku, resident of nearby Yoyogi Park since 2004. Yoyogi Park from Shibuya Station, is mainly infested spot to around Yoyogi Uehara. Sweeping across Shibuya of the city by bike, walking eating Shibuya food for more than 10 years. The restaurant is focused on cost performance and service. What you like is latte, beer, meat.

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