Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

"Secret Lotus Nanpeidai" portion


What has been how to spend May?
I had been working in Tokyo at or what kettle. ~ ~ ~ ~ While or to prolong the cold (not yet tonsil is cured!)

It Hawaii in a blog from the front, but Aloha, but Hula karaoke. I did nothing but Hozai Nante, but in fact had been changing jobs to Berry from around the end of the year.

Well it was noticed try in such a flow, that they've solidified the chattering not in the habit of moving the upper body. Berry of the movement has caused a fresh wind in the body. There are places that have been suppressed in me, it will be shaken. To yourself to much second time the keyword "have to open the heart chakra" I have been coming down. Now it is my theme.
Heart chakra chakra which governs the love in the middle part of the chest. I love the self accept the self, accept the love of others love others chakra.
It's have closed more firmly. I think I'm in myself had turned into chattering until it can no longer anyhow. Moreover, serious injury had not noticed it.
The first time extent of the effect Berry ...,
N ~ ~ ~ not without but is different deployment is the expected, the movement is felt. Belly than what is being dispel a good feel to the ♪ friend that has been geared Quotations "heal belly we look at the belly of the people"!
People of the personal computer work shoulder is entered before, and I think it is easy to put the same kind of symptoms with me. Do not you have closed mind?
Good news for people who suffer in daily life a variety of things! Something from inside and outside and give a notice to the root will have changed by moving the body. It's Nde start of something that I noticed on your own. Thing probably interesting me life.

Classroom of the berry in Nanpeidai Shibuya from May 30 days (super your neighborhood out ♪) "Secret LotusFull-scale start as ". Join conditions are "health, beauty, happiness, it is the person who places a value more than anything else." Dasou. Rika Yokomori presided over the powerful woman. Now to open the salon for women of Happiness around the belly that had continued for many years not only the writer activities of our core business.
Currently, in addition to the "belly dance health Law", "relaxed yoga", "health and beauty course in the polariton" "Kazukokoro beginning (dressing classroom kimono share)," "children musical classroom," "Arafo & Arafifu fashionable Course" It is planned. Other planning also lots.

And it will also be in his announcement, but I was allowed to design the mark of "Secret Lotus"! ! ! (Jump!) Is an image that energy is springs from the second chakra. Probably pretty good? ?
Fixed mark that has been thought and be nice determined is steadily, becomes the various people of power and passion joined HP and wear, people gathered "Secret Lotus" we become shape. The pounding of when things rises Hey hard place for everything! This mark-making is got nutrients to the heart, I was allowed to study in the people involved. It I was like this time.

Seal two kinds Sunset by the time difference. I uptake those drawn in pastel. This background of touch "pastel Shine Art" also Watakushi "yummy" is Yuki held a workshop. (Not just in the "Secret Lotus"Personal blogBut you soup announcement. ), But still it is ★ or I hope that can also volunteer thing in parallel with the work.

Although Shibuya culture had been showing off the "Shibuya silly life" of the daily in the only sentence without Dasa's face, "Secret Lotus"In ventured regret the face of Arafo ..., No was released! No longer so-what attitude of the polar regions. Please come by all means by all means ridicule.

Women of everyone looking for My Happiness all told. Boring is life with your grief of everyone. I do not happy Yatteko I was to blame people and age and recession. First Why not try to open the heart chakra in the belly? You will blossomed happy to be out of their own.

"Secret Lotus" belly dance etc ...
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Nanpeidaichō 12-13 Hidekazu second Nanpeidai Residence 213
Inquiry "SecretLotusIn "in the mail

Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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