Shibuya culture project

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Effective use of "morning", "afternoon"
Trends can be business people! ?

April 20, 2009, in the Otemachi, Marunouchi and Yurakucho district was the campus of the existing facilities, was offered a public lecture "Marunouchi Morning University" toward the district workers, et al. Citizen university rooted in these areasShibuya UniversityIt is famous, but seems to have begun to spill over in gradually various areas. Features of "Marunouchi Morning University" to new offered is that you are focused only on the "morning zone" before going to work. Work and the evening band, although difficult to stand plan by a factor of around, from that the "morning zone" is that can be adjusted by personal intent, the discretion of, learning greed believes that "I want to! Learn something" strong salaryman it can be said that the perfect school to and OL. Further utilization of the morning band suppresses the nighttime power, etc. also leads to improvement of commuting environments to facilitate off-peak commuting, that several have advantages.

For more information about the "Marunouchi Morning University" isThis directionWhat

このように丸の内が「朝」ブームを作ろうとしている一方で、渋谷では「昼(ランチタイム)」を有効活用する動きが生まれ始めている。渋谷でオンラインクリエイターコミュニティを運営するロフトワークと、音楽 SNSを運営するマイペースは、新しいランチタイムの過ごし方を提案する「ランチクラビング」を開始する。同イベントは、"eat! beat! meet!"をコンセプトに毎月第4金曜のお昼、渋谷で働く会社員がランチを食べながら「ライブとアート」を体感出来る場を無料で提供するもの。場所は道玄坂に位置するクリエイティブ発信スペース「loftworkGround」で開催。第1回目となるvol.1 は2009年4月24日、「Go!! New Life!」をテーマにLittle Turtlesなど3アーティストのライブと、イワコシタツヤの映像作品、斉藤壮一郎によるアートワークの展示を予定するという。

For more information about the "lunch-click rubbing" isThis directionWhat

Before going to work "morning", "noon" in the intervals of work and work. For modern people who do not have enough even if there is much time, "morning", "noon" effective use of time, perhaps it can be said that the surprising blind spot.

"Lunch-click rubbing" is unnecessary reservation, since the participation fee free, I wonder Let's a little peek.

Editorial department · Fuji Itakashi

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