Shibuya culture project

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After the marathon
Calorie intake with plenty of ramen!

Bonju! ! !

It is Yamamoto feeling the peak of life with weight. It was this peak of life that the fortuneteller was saying .... By the way, I told you that it was a peak until March. You are done already! Ha ha ... ... that you can feel the peak of your life only by your weight .... Kuu, I will definitely be cute! ! ! (← I am wasteful because it is not cute to the peak ...)

So, I started jogging which is boom this time ♪ Of course the place I run is next door, Yoyogi Park. Yeah, jogging since high school. That's it! ! ! Everybody is running, but actually I can not run at all (I only?) First of all, I just ran for about a minute on the way to go to Yoyogi Park and it was breathless. Then run for 10 minutes in the park and it's already the limit .... As a beginner 's jogging site was written as "not to forcibly", I decided to obey it, then I walked five minutes and then ran for 5 minutes several times and came back in around half an hour. Wow, I got tired. And the hell on the next day .... Because it was only a sweet stretch it was hit by a terrible muscle pain. Everyone, let's stretch thoroughly. Both before and after finishing. So, afterwards jogging is said to be "muscle painful moon", but I also bought ASICS jogging shoes properly and I will do my best this weekend! Until then I will walk on a diet stepping raise / lower machine I bought through mail order in the room (← diet mail order love).

Well, this time I will introduce the food I want to eat after the jog. Why, why do you want to eat ramen? Is it because you use physical strength? I want to eat ramen even after karaoke.

"Five rows" opened in front of Yoyogi Uehara station last year at the end of June. Having a head office in Nishiazabu, here is a burned soy sauce famous. Look at this black black soup of the picture! The scorched fragrant soup is very hot with Lard covering the membrane firmly! I was surprised by the heat that goes beyond my imagination. It suffers from this heat, sweat is sweaty around the end of eating .... Do not sweat more than jogging! What? I heard that you can taste sake and dish as well in the evening so I want to come back at night as well.

Shibuya-based gourmet writer Yamamoto

Born in 1980, Shibuya-ku, resident of nearby Yoyogi Park since 2004. Yoyogi Park from Shibuya Station, is mainly infested spot to around Yoyogi Uehara. Sweeping across Shibuya of the city by bike, walking eating Shibuya food for more than 10 years. The restaurant is focused on cost performance and service. What you like is latte, beer, meat.

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