Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

★ Day Vittorio Lynch
World public commemoration ★
Morley Robertson
& Vivienne Sato Night

2/28 than (sat)Rise XIt is other nationwide sequentially Roadshow"Day Vittorio Lynch World"Prodigies Morley Robertson and Vivienne Sato to commemorate, and demonstration by Satsuki Aoyagi and DJ Shiratama of coco-ima organizers, other DJ will celebrate manatsu * i, RINKO the (Fujin Raijin). Morley is running a personal site i-morley more than the total registered number 500,000, a composer from writing, is being worked day and night as a social reform activist. Recently, deep knowledge in yoga is also the also will perform slightly different experimental yoga demonstration from the conventional club Event invited May representative Aoyagi of this Event coco-ima organizers. On the day you can also experience Morley of bomb Talk!

リンチは一昨年『インランド・エンパイア』で完全復活を宣言し、その後カルティエ財団での大回顧展やGUCCIのCMなどメディアにも多数露出してきました。伝説のカルト・ムービー『イレイザーヘッド』劇場公開から30年。デジタルリマスターとして蘇ります! またリンチの学生時代の短編から会員制サイト「DAVIDLYNCH.COM」のために作ったアニメーションまでリンチ本質に迫る貴重な作品を2/28(SAT)〜渋谷ライズXにて一挙公開! 

☆ 3/4 (WED) 21: 00~late 2000yen @velours B1Almost Blue6-4-6 Minamiaoyama Minatoku Tokyo 03-5778-6151

Your admission of persons under 20 years of age will be refused. Also, please bring a photo ID so we have carried out the ID check.

Canada Vancouver Olympics got off to a one year until the next year to be held. In a variety of media are beautiful views of the local have been reported every day. We deliver the Canadian Springs water from its nature full of British Columbia, Canada.

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Currently, mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, it is being developed a delivery service of 18.5L and 11.3L bottle.

Check Request and Contact of water delivery service
Phone: 03-5467-3310 (9:00-18:00 土日祝・休)

Get the Canadian Springs water 500ml bottle in this event (limited). Since it has enclosed also deals campaign information, please carry you everybody by all means foot.

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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