Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

A completely new type of employment guide
Behold and Katsumoku the "Green calling the Bible"

Set up an editing unit on the upper floor of Shibuya cafe ano, from the economic magazine of this unique, innovative employment guide is published. Its name is "Alterna separate Green vocation Bible"

Heisei Japan swaying to the Great Depression of the unprecedented. Employment to the students to refrain from activities, but are drifting mood early to give up, to want to read all means in such a timid youths, but this book.
Theme of "Green calling the Bible" is frankly "unprecedented employment information this". Became the ruler of the company to choose a conventional job hunting, was the name recognition and scale, parent of joy seems to stability. And become this book of yardstick to break such a old-fashioned tradition, but "aspirations" of environmental activities and social contribution of the company, and management.

February certain day, at the Alternative editing unit, special interview for this book recording has been performed (photo 1)


Forest of journalists in the "Alternative" editor-in-chief feeding (Photo 2)


Miyadai Shinji Tokyo Metropolitan University, Professor (Photo 3)

Talk to two polemic unfolds is, across from wandering student of job hunting situation to find yourself, to range until the actual situation of the social contribution of the company.

Introducing me to companies 101 companies, all thing that wrote the president and the representatives themselves. Already businessman job hunting has become memories of faraway day, or even reading is unrelated to a freelancer and job hunting, the essence that can be reflected in his own work has been packed with "green vocation Bible". Before we lament that it Haken-giri's recession, First do not let's tease this book.

"Green vocation Bible"
Will be released in early March in major bookstores, Amazon etc nationwide
Price 1000 yen (tax included)
Publisher Ltd. Alterna
Publisher Co., Ltd. Media Pal

Shinichi Takahashi (photographer)

Independence as a free-lance photographer than 98 years. Currently, active in, such as magazines and books · CD jacket. In addition, music-related, overseas travelogue, energetically writing the document article such as in magazines and books as a writer.

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