Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Moai and painter


We came back from Miyazaki travel.
Few years is my boom is domestic travel here. Rather than a strong desire from their own as overseas travel, that is try Nokka' to those who came from the other side there is a chance and your edge is self-taught domestic travel. It is liked because it often results in good action for me.

Although most live wanted to place it was abandoned think of time and convenience, run the coastline that leads Gaga' ... just refreshing it.
Horizon I have to say on the theme "Moai" is towering Park overlooking hill, what 7-body image of that and Dawn also the wide sea opened not in the front of the eye seems there is an effect of a person to HAPPY is. It was in the little fool a look at the guide book, but really the place is a good feeling. Figure that with glee the men and women of the middle-aged and elderly in the front of the image was impressive. It is hatched to everyone children?
Here is the moai that had fallen of Easter Island, the Japanese company is to thank the service and friendship that was launched by the volunteer, It seems those who are permitted to only restored in the world.
The place to be worried about it in front of the station of "bowline image" is to hear it as Shibuya residents ...
This is seems specialties of Niijima. Niijima the Korga stone production seems to have been awarded what local artists was designed to Shibuya. Means "painter" is "join forces" in the words of Niijima "help each other", "to work together". Umuumu ,,, but we have seen for a long time meaning did not know at all ... everyday life overlooked discovery and to have the will can be found by changing the angle and go to travel.

Chopstick rest of moai
Purchase is recommended to friends. It is a souvenir. I like in a decent pottery.
In the back of the airplane or try to delusion product development of bowline goods of Shibuya souvenir ...

Although the journey was enjoyed really, when you went to Haneda, I was relieved whiff. Shibuya return to a high-speed bus, their gear flows into the usual air body and get off at the Cerulean Tower began to move love into place. Here it seems to be my city.

Friends opportunity is that the soon new life to return to the hometown of the journey. Thanks me invited.
I wish to live from now on seafood more than anything else.

Luck ball
Shrine in the rocky coastline. Nature and faith has coalesced location will be attracted the mind.
Depression of the lanyard the center of the circle that has been placed in the rocks to throw five balls. This is so wish come true to fall beautifully.
Cartoon enters the 5 th Nabari large excitement in the cliched pose.

Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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