Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Hokkuri be healed, beans beans beans -


Cold days continued in mid-May. Even though it is a season when fresh greenery comes out a little, sprout does not come out in such a cold! If you were angry with alone, you returned to the early summer cheerfully. Good, good.

So, as I wrote last time, I thought about writing about the Thai festival that was cold due to rain, but since Yummy had posted a wonderful report, it is the same story and I will refrain- . By the way, I bought SINGHA beer, favorite Pad Thai (Thai fried noodles), Gapao (chicken fried rice with basil) and pork skewers with spicy ethnic sauce. I'm not good at hot ... In this time, Pad Thai was surprisingly hot and hot.

That's why I wanted to go there once, "Café Mame-Hiko". This shop, which has a shop in Sangenjaya, opened a Shibuya store in the back alley near the Tokyu Main Store in September last year. Not to mention coffee beans. It is said that beans such as tiger beans, white flower momae, purple flower beans, and kinto beans are cooked in the kitchen every day. this day is. The deep roasted blend was exactly a delicious coffee with a deep, single core. The sweets that my friend ordered (sorry, I forgot the name ...) are soy milk pudding below, and topped with three kinds of boiled beans above. This bean is delicious!優 Gentle sweetness gradually spreads in your mouth. In addition, there were various bean menus such as sweets from which you could choose three kinds of favorite boiled beans. In addition, there are many types of tea such as black tea and Chinese tea. The inside of the store is a spacious space and each booth has a high degree of relaxation. Please come and visit this "Café Mame-Hiko" which is a little difficult to understand in the back alleys.
Finally, let me introduce one of the theatrical troupes that have been interesting for a long time!先 The other day, I watched a work by a theater company called "Brazil" called "Sayonara Until the Day I Met Again", but it was really interesting! ! ! ! It's been a long time since I was purely into the play and watched it. I am impressed again if these three time signatures of directing, story, and actors are good are so wonderful. My heart was pounding as I was excited while watching. Oh, the excitement doesn't cool even after a few days. The actors were all really good. That's crazy. The location was "Komaba Agora Theater", which is close to Shibuya. It was extravagant to see that work in such a small box, but even a large box could be enough. It was a work that I wanted to see even in a large box. Well, theater is wonderful. Let's go see it again.

Shibuya-based gourmet writer Yamamoto

Born in 1980, Shibuya-ku, resident of nearby Yoyogi Park since 2004. Yoyogi Park from Shibuya Station, is mainly infested spot to around Yoyogi Uehara. Sweeping across Shibuya of the city by bike, walking eating Shibuya food for more than 10 years. The restaurant is focused on cost performance and service. What you like is latte, beer, meat.

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