Shibuya culture project

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A step towards adults

I am 30 years old so I thought it might be possible for about one familiar sushi shop soon, but I can not climb the stairs to Otona anymore, but yesterday I went to a certain sushi bar in Shibuya I went to the interview. We will skip the details because of the interviews of the special feature scheduled to be posted on April 20th, but this was one of the attentions I was quite aware of. Its name is "Organic Sushi Restaurant Ouchi". If you ask, you may imagine a stylish shop on a recent healthy boom trend, but if you go through goodwill, you are greeted with a stubborn stupid dad. The interior of the small shop is also gathered up with astringent tone, and it is a fancy like an old-fashioned sushi shop (although the decorated paintings and the sense of the instrument are very good!). Pursuit of organic material that is crowned with the store name is not a thing that started yesterday and today, it is hardcore because it says it continues for more than 20 years ago.

Its stubborn appearance is not dirty, it's not a half-hearted stuff, so there are so many things I want to write, but as for giving it to the feature, here is a word about the manju that is served as sweet. Of course, this delicious manju is also handmade with skewed flour and anko's red bean using organic materials, but it is not only a safe material, but its taste is considerable. Among the buns that I have eaten in the past few years, I have entered the three fingers. Even though it is a sushi bar. Then, the taste of sushi will be quite obvious.

When I knew such a shop, I felt that I could take the first step towards adults. By the way, my father was a very friendly and talkative person!

Editorial · Nino

1975 Kawasaki born. He is a man of the indoor school who love music and movies and drink and Suites.

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