Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Shibuya jam session Vol.13
Swamp Delta Rock Cafe
LIVE at Shibuya Ruido K2

"Swamp Delta Rock Cafe," the charm of this splendid rock band, or would be nice if I tell if to everyone. In this corner is usually, jazz, but you have to tell a live world music ... for the first time rock band this time comes in. First of all, it was carried out in Shibuya Ruido K2 in 3/15 days, trying to inform you about one-man live to be their Tokyo's first (Photo 1.2.3).

 スワンプは今どき珍しい、本当にシンプルでストレートなロックバンド。このルイードでのライブは、結成10年目で初となる東京でのワンマンライブ。立錐の余地も無いほどファンで埋め尽くされた客席を見て、僕も他人事ながら胸が熱くなってしまった。Strong melodies, lyrics that are told in straightforward approach not struck a clearance remaining in the ear. I when it is touched by listening to the Swamp, still in their own, can be re-discover that there are still parts that get used to Pure to Yara music Yara lock (Photo 4.5). とりあえず、彼らの初ワンマンは大盛況で幕を閉じた(写真6)。
Them from this day started to tour around the whole country live house. I until the day that swamp to the Nippon Budokan in overcrowded, continue to cheer!
"Swamp Delta Rock Cafe" Official site

Shinichi Takahashi (photographer)

Independence as a free-lance photographer than 98 years. Currently, active in, such as magazines and books · CD jacket. In addition, music-related, overseas travelogue, energetically writing the document article such as in magazines and books as a writer.

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