Shibuya culture project

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Edo taste taste in Shibuya

Just the other day, coverage is Tatekomi, until the late afternoon from the morning, there was a thing that did not eat the rice as well, even for a bite. A staff that has reached the limit, suddenly, on the train on the move began to cry as the "delicious eel want to eat!", Transmitted to all the word is, that was in its place. Everyone in there is in my head "eel color". Ya finish all the coverage as soon as, let's go immediately to eat the eel! And thinks Ya ....

"Delicious eel shop me, did I had to Shibuya neighborhood?"

So, taking a collective effort at all, start the research in gourmet through friends and acquaintances. As a result, it had emerged as the most promising candidates, Shinsen Station doorstep, near the confluence of the Yamate Street and the old Yamate Street "Ichinotani" Mr..

"Ichinotani" Mr., at the famous Saitama Kawagoe as eel of specialty areas, long-established in the long-established store was founded in 1832 years (1832). Likely here, but the Tokyo foray first store. Immediately and try to make a phone call of the reservation, for cooking eels from all in response to the order, that and after visiting also about 50 minutes to 60 minutes to wait. While the fight against hunger and closer to the limit, hasten to several tens of minutes to wait by the phone reservation. Finally no longer endure, to be headed by taxi. Appearance, attire, such as a stylish Japanese-style dining, a place such as perfect for a date. Since the day the document was left in a large amount, but was in tears Take ....

And, finally grilled encounters eel, once and throw in the mouth, of enough to directly melts softness. Us meet the hunger of one day, friendly taste. The secret of this softness is called to be in the "steaming". In general, grilled eel, likely to a place where steam from the white grilled "Ichinotani" Mr. a is eel, and steamed as it is raw After taking the eel, but to white baked from moderately off the oil.

By the way, the eel, rich in retinol, which acts as vitamin A, especially in the body. Retinol, in addition to enhance immunity, has been said to be effective but also to beautiful skin. Also it has the effect of keeping the moisture of the skin and hair, very happy food to women. Besides that, B vitamins and calcium, is also abundant, such as iron.

It also good to taste the gourmet of the latest trends in Shibuya, once in a while, and time slip in the Edo, is also fun to enjoy the traditional Japanese taste.

Shibuya-ku, Shinsen-cho, 20-22

Editorial · K

1980 Born in Tokyo. Of the center line culture grew up, hardcore culture system. But recently, we started the hot yoga for women's power up.

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