Shibuya culture project

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Representing Shibuya,
Borderless cafe with sofa and wine


Yamamoto is getting more and more full of mind, although my heart is being cut away. Yes, now I am completely bad. As if encouraging me like that, my friend invited me to tea. Previously,Sho Otaka's blogBut once you've appearedApuremidi Grand Cru". Apulmidi is French in the afternoon, Grand Cru means the finest vineyard. Yes, as you can see, there is plenty of wine selections here. And it is the first time I've got things that match the wine as well as dishes. Menu is a luxurious menu composition that goes beyond the area of cafe until assortment of organic vegetables, spaghettini to Tagliolini, and roast of cattle. Oh, when I saw HP, dinner was doing prefix course as well. This is wonderful. Cafe / restaurant cum / bar. There is no borderline, it can be said that it is a café style that represents Shibuya.
And most of all, I love this shop because the view is nice and the relaxing sofas. Each of the sofas are irregular, but they do not interfere with each other, and luxury is created in the space. Once I sit down, I feel comfortable enough to lean on my body and get standing up. Absolutely, it is hard to eat to eat, it's a low-profile sofa that is low. But that's it. Sitting here slowly and watching the city of Shibuya, we had a cup of tea and chatted with our friends. The shaved heart also recovered a little. And a gentle friend gave me the word "Valentine 's chocolate" I'm glad it made me feeling detoxified. " It seems that women's uke is still as usual.
There is another shop here and another secret Yamamoto point. To say that there are 2 seats sofa! Everyone, do you see? If you come on a date I hate to sit down side by side and have to sit comfortably! That's it. I, one goal is to come here on a date. At that time I'm pretty sure to ask for a cocktail of fresh fruits! (When will it be ... ...)

Shibuya-based gourmet writer Yamamoto

Born in 1980, Shibuya-ku, resident of nearby Yoyogi Park since 2004. Yoyogi Park from Shibuya Station, is mainly infested spot to around Yoyogi Uehara. Sweeping across Shibuya of the city by bike, walking eating Shibuya food for more than 10 years. The restaurant is focused on cost performance and service. What you like is latte, beer, meat.

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