Shibuya culture project

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Warmth and warmth in everyday life

The other day,Bunkamura MuseumIn being held"Exhibition of the warmth of the home village in Switzerland"I participated in the opening reception of the exhibition.

About the Swiss naturalist painter Albert Anchor, in commentary, "There is a reputation for the image of the girl who continues to draw people's lives in their hometowns and daily life, especially reminiscent of" Alice girl Heidi. "Switzerland's heart In the exhibition, it is common to think of it as Switzerland in this exhibition, as if to say, "I will nostalgic feel somewhere even if Japanese people see it, I feel warmth." Approximately 100 pieces of anchor's works depicting modest everyday life in rural areas are displayed mainly in oil paintings.

Mr. Nobuhiko Tanaka, President and Representative Director of Bunkamura at the opening ceremony (Ms. Tanaka's interviewThis direction) Said, "When I look at the picture of Anker, I remember the movie director Zhang Yimou," but certainly I carefully depicted the anchor's work, in particular the children who play gently or learned peacefully The warm gaze seen in the work group felt that there was something in common with the viewpoint of a film director who described the daily lives of the general public in the rural village of China.

From the opening ceremony "Exhibition of the warmth of the home village in Switzerland"

In the series of 4 still life depicting the bread and tea at the table with the still painting which was not handled in this exhibition was left in the impression is estimated from the motif which is drawn, it is before the morning, the day, the dinner, It seemed as if it was being displayed on a fixed-point observationally tracking the flow of the night and the whole day's time, so I enjoyed the time to flow in my daily life and I was able to see the attitude of love . In addition, the series of "girls knitting" filled with the texture and intimacy of light that reminds us of Vermeer's motifs, drawing a daily moment of love affectionately and it was pretty awesome .

It was a warm work exhibition that you can see the character of an anchor who studied theology and was enthusiastic about education, with works that depict the lives of the village of the hometown and portraits in general, very serious and ritual style. Appreciating these works in the middle of Shibuya felt to be a valuable opportunity to feel the warmth of everyday time that is overlooked.

However, since the daily scene which becomes a motif by all means monotonous, I could not deny the impression lacking in relief as an exhibition. Since I was able to feel the era and anchor's dexterity from the color and the brushwork of the painting which I painted on the pottery which was last displayed on the pottery, if there are variations in the exhibition work a little more, the authors stand I felt that I could understand positions and characters more deeply.

"Exhibition of the warmth of the home village in Switzerland" exhibition

Since this exhibition is "to be held for the first time in Japan as a retrospective exhibition of representatives of Switzerland", it was an exhibition that strongly felt the cultural significance of introducing writers who are not yet familiar. In addition, "Advent Calendar" placed at the entrance of the museum cooperates with the Nippon Designer College and publishes handmade ornaments placed in the door where the date was drawn one by one as a countdown until Christmas So it may be good to raise your Christmas mood at this time. Please do not hesitate to pay attention to this when you are watching.

The exhibition is until January 20, 2008. (* Closed on January 1st)

Editorial · M

1977 downtown Tokyo born. It is a weakness in the contemporary art and FISHMANS and Hitoshi Matsumoto and Tsunashima hot spring.

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