Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

Akinosora, Soto play


Was Mashi Mari become completely cold. It colder and Gugutsu if the night while put those who people also Rassharu wore and down go by also tidbit ... and "probably a little fast -" the mind tsukkomi, It's soon December, I think there is there? It is fast ~ ~ ~ ~.

This weekend went to "Sarugaku Festival (11 / 16-18)" in Daikanyama. Annual event that takes place the Hillside Terrace on the stage in accordance with the fall of the festival of "Sarugaku shrine". But always (bread went cheese limited weekend and pan of individual walnut exceptional!) "Hillside Pantry Daikanyama" at as was scheduled to eat in the park to buy the slow happened the day branch, completely event ransacked start was moved mind to!

F is to kneading the square in front of the installed white tent we are lined with shops. Those with the eyes Christmas wreath of "flow list rush". Indeed Daikanyama and much groaning stylish nice lease! Also I tried to think of many times I want to live in the house that is decorated is the abandoned ... such a wonderful lease from the cleaning of the room. high.
"Matsushiro Daikanyama cross-country" is a festival prices had alongside fresh vegetables is Zurari! To leer the mother that brought the once return cart to the house, buy cabbage and yacon expect a sold out, the middle is the salad for radish pink earlier (this is the luggage later ...) Shimete ¥ 300! Satisfaction ~ ~ ~ ~ here is seems to put the vegetables in the pantry on the day to get the 10 monthly. (Please check in upon entering the winter night, so the net, etc.)

Indeed locality, also it has opened embassies in the basement of the pantry. Gluttonous soul ★ in bursts, buy a tuna croquettes of samosas and Senegal Embassy of Malaysia Embassy. Also your side dish to purchase will be a branch of today. Cormorant ~ ~ ~ N, happy! This is a menu that can be used in such a party. Woman of up speaking of "Senegal-style croquettes," rather than a tuna croquettes. (Since the plating is peeled off only Senegal location Let's advance learning!)
Had been flocking children is a free cotton candy corner of the "Shenzhen material shopping street cooperative". Of course participate in the I also swarm, dessert is cotton candy.

Impressive was that the guys also dog people nor children young and old selling smile! Is nice I people of each generation of age who came to play is thought to enjoy. Although the number of exhibitors is is not a certain event that a lot, I think each person who visited is not to found a fun? I have completely ran to the appetite than Art, but was able to spend a satisfactory time. Of course, what next year because it is not only food Do ~ ~ ~ Nante Once you taste also Art mood to preliminary survey, or to pretend that I thought ...
Why I went to buy bread ... bra with you and park return to thereIt is inches! I was thinking of going to the flea market of Yoyogi Park today. The weather good, beautiful fall foliage! Mood I also supposed nice, rolling up deprived of physical strength cabbage that was purchased earlier becomes baggage, do not love is the focus of the eye. And amazing number of number of exhibitors of this flea market! It is limp ~ ~ ~ ~ flea market in the already half will be, but teasing Temple I thought that if there something is coat and shoes of the winter and people motion sickness a friend is useless unless squid in the game system with protection against the cold and stamina preservation. In the Yoyogi Park 12/1 (children experience Festa), it is likely to be held on 12/23, a / 20. Kana Revenge?

Shibuya? Illustrator · yummy

 1972年生まれ。渋谷区で小中時代をすごし、鮭のようにまたもどってきました。フラ、サーフィン、ホットヨガ、散歩、買い食い、妄想など趣味にふりまわされちょいゆる生活実行中。Personal blog

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