Shibuya culture project

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Shibuya of future talks about the KEY PERSON key person

Long interview of [key personnel] to be active mainly in the Shibuya. Place a "Shibuya of appeal" through their words.

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Komiyama Yuhi's
(Musician / Shibuya tourism ambassador and creatives director)

Stores also, residents also want to set up a well outside of people enjoy participating in together "Shibuya Fes".


1973年東京生まれ原宿育ち。1996年「スマイル」でホフディランのVo&Keyとしてデビューし、「遠距離恋愛は続く」「恋はいつも幻のように」「欲望」「極楽はどこだ」など、ヒット曲を連発。デビュー以来、シングル19枚、アルバム12枚をリリース。また、来年にはデビュー20周年が控えている。音楽以外でも、映画・グルメ・グルメ漫画などに精通。幅広い知識を活かし、ラジオ/TVのパーソナリティーや、CMナレーション、雑誌連載、WEBプロデュースなど、精力的に活動中。2015年7月、渋谷区観光大使 兼 クリエイティブディレクターに就任したばかり。

「生まれも育ちも原宿」「初ステージもメジャーデビューも渋谷だった」というホフディラン・小宮山雄飛さんは、まさに筋金入りの「渋谷系」だ。来年でメジャーデビュー20周年を迎える音楽活動はもちろん、ラジオパーソナリティーや雑誌連載、最近ではNHK教育「趣味の園芸 やさいの時間」のカレー講師や、「渋谷区観光大使兼クリエイティブディレクター」に就任するなど、持ち前の明るい性格と、幅広い知識を活かして多彩な分野で活躍を続けている。今回のインタビューでは「渋谷区観光大使兼クリエイティブディレクター」に抜擢された経緯から、再開発が進む渋谷のまちに対する想い、さらに観光大使として実現したい大きな夢に至るまで、じっくりとお話を聞きました。

I "Please to the sub-mayor", but I was to ask (laughs)

Shibuya-ku, in tracing and in _Twitter but had been a "grain valley Ward (murmur) mayor of", what this time, officially from Hasebe Mayor of Shibuya-ku, has been appointed tourism ambassador and creative director of Shibuya-ku, in person It was. Originally in what circumstances, do you there was a request of this story?

Mr. A Hasebe, is dating from the time to become a ward Parliament. I also Hasebe's also is in Harajuku local, but in the age basis is I he is two on, because it was and go abroad as a student, I at the time a job is'm together with my generation. So, I and or common friends purchase, Hasebe's from such local ties has left the Hakuhodo, became acquainted at the time of the timing that candidacy to ward Parliament. I was never separately with us at work, then even if something connected, "If I become mayor, what I'll be," when you meet before Mayor election if there is a story that. "Jar, please to the sub-mayor," but I said, was refused as "it can not be!" (Laughs).

_ So the tourism ambassador?

Got immediately contact the next day, which was elected, it is to say that "I try to do something", I received the title of tourism ambassador and creative director.

From _ Hasebe's, does it have said that I want you to the kind of work?

Not my work of the so-called ward actually do, strictly from the standpoint of the private sector, out of the Toka idea so as to invoke something Shibuya, it was that I want to support from outside.

_ Is obscene question, but do you reward Toka guarantee has occurred?

I do not Morawa. In fact, I though I think is whether and also it (laughs). During this time, but it arrived just notice of payment of the residents tax, such why Looks like I should not have to pay (laughs). Although it is a joke, because I originally wanted to do something at the local, I am very grateful that ... only title in this kind of opportunity. Of it and more and more ward future, I think Fu called Do not want to do that in the region.

I want doing as _ tourism ambassador, something specific ideas do you have?

Shibuya me, is not it a variety of cultures is coming more and more from around the outside anyway. For example, Toka food festival of Yoyogi Park, Toka festival Yosakoi. The following is a Hawaii, come what it's Australia all over the world. But, Come to think well, what Shibuya of local and residents are doing on their own, I feel surprisingly small. Of course, I've got only a small festival residents, anyway because more and more come from the outside, I wonder if they've buried. Perhaps people of events that come from the region and outside could already have been divided. For example, even if doing a food festival in Yoyogi Park, local Grandpa, Grandma can not go easily. Conversely, I went to the local summer festival, only grandpa and grandma, not a few are like a thing not at all young people. Both but I was talking mayor, the ideal of the "Festival of Azabu Juban" kana. Also participated in a local shopping mall and small junior and senior high school students or people who had originally lived in local, is not it still be many people who really come from afar to look forward to every year.

_ Certainly Azabujuban is, or there is a stand of the embassy and shopping district, I have been fused to come town's good concrete from local and outside.

What local events, I'm shopping Board really is I become the center. For example, that the Harajuku Keyakikai (Kai zelkova), there is a shop meeting has been amazing firm. I've been doing, such as various interesting events, but, there only a person with the business at a local can join. I something is, but I have lived 40 years, since but are not have a business, of course, can not join in the shop meetings. So, people who are the business also, some people who live, but not even live also business, even those who use the city, permanent specific everyone that caused the event and, or exchange of the place can be something together I believe that be nice when you're such facility. That's what, not only "tourism ambassador" to the title, the reason that I had with the "creative director" is also there. Because I think that has come full person is already in Shibuya, rather than calling the person and PR in the so-called tourism promotion, and I want to do things like increasing the number of local people and Shibuya of creativity. For the sake of convenience, because wearing also "tourism ambassador" is the real intention.

Because there is early evening, Harajuku remain a "healthy teens of the town."

_ Well, it came out to be the story before, but it's Yuhi is I was born both of Harajuku grew up.

Now, house is Shibuya, but home is Harajuku much. Speaking at the address, I Jingumae.

Time _ small, Where did you have the kind of play? After all, the city of play, I think there was a thing like a peculiar play.

I Shibuya, I surprisingly naturally often. Kedomo was not what or caught the bug, or doing baseball in the normal park .... Until Atoboku generations, because there are still candy shop in Aoyama, Toka and go to everyone in the park to buy a candy. Place where he is living there was no sensation that's urban. For example, have a friend that has been change schools from Setagaya Ward at the time of the elementary school, like a "Kan Ena Setagaya, Are! Came from the place cool Nante guy" (laughs). I Harajuku, or rather split the city, because the little there is also a downtown-ish feel. Of course, I fashionable shops also had a lot, because only it was felt that the adults of the world.

The _ generational, bamboo shoot group and talent shop, such as a band boom, I think that we have seen up close the various trends and boom of Harajuku departure. Or Yuhi, who is a resident, was watching how to such things.

After all, the influence has been received really. In terms of talent shop, in recognition of me I think that it is best started the shop of Mr. Masashi Sada. Omotesando and the intersection of Meiji-dori, there is a shop Sada's on the second floor of the octagonal pavilion building that contains the Lotteria, remembers and was still ahead of the time there is no named talent shop.

_ 80s, Kuniko and Beat Takeshi Yamada, including Tokoro George's, but talent shop there were many, is a surprise because its forerunner was Mr. Masashi Sada.

Is a fact that is not known to the surprising (laughs)

_ Harajuku is always continues to place a new culture aimed at teens, but do you think the cause is a what the hell?

Perhaps, that it is not flourished at night, it does not you say to the contrary.

Do you mean _ shops closed early?

Yeah. It's not a little ordinance thing is know, in Harajuku residential area from a long time ago, I areas that should not be made such as game centers and pachinko parlor. It is Shibuya and with a large difference of Harajuku, Harajuku is a healthy culture of lunch or evening is mainstream, very quiet at night. On the other hand, Shibuya variety to things happen for better or worse, though proud of club culture, there is a place interesting. Harajuku is because there is no such thing, short, strange incident I think that I do not happen much.

It looks great because _ "is an early night." That or the other is how?

Another, often are of the say, but can not be opened in the middle of Shibuya, that unique shops to rent in and around the place a little cheap is born To dots. For example, a lack of Daikanyama, Toka or was Urahara, also IT system for a period of time, has been quite focused on Tomigaya. Rookie who aim the center of Shibuya, there is soil that comes out from the area around it. Harajuku is also the same, I think I'm a place where you can challenge for young people.

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