In the information of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident that more than two months have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and it becomes clear day by day, many people remember anxiety and indignation? For us who live in Tokyo it was strongly realized that electricity is one of the life lines of daily life through the paralysis of the transport network and the planned blackout just after the earthquake. On the other hand, it is obvious that the nuclear power that we have enjoyed for a long time had a risk far exceeding the imagination. It is a translation coexisting with many dangers without knowing anything, but also the existence of organizations and unions that have pointed out such risks for a while. It is also very important to appeal at this time that "I have not heard, I did not know", but I have overlooked the dangerous balance of "region", "nuclear power", "mass consumption of electricity in downtown" until such a situation Why are we responsible too?
This time pick up works that show us a totally different wind by slashing everything we are accepting from another angle from the work currently open in Shibuya. What is the viewpoint to choose for our future lifestyle in the future?
- title
- Dangerous economics
- Screening location
- Theater N Shibuya
- Screening period
- 2011年5月28日〜2011年6月24日
- Screen time
- 11:00
- directed by
- Alex Gibney, Morgan Superlock, Rachel Grady & Heidy You
In Theater N Shibuya, from May 28th, the documentary short stories captured by five film directors from different viewpoints of the same name work that explained "Really on the backside of common sense" by an academic young economist, from each viewpoint "Yabaei Economy Study "will be published. A number of everyday spots that are far away from "economics" such as Japanese sumo wrestling, high school in the United States were chosen as "subjects". In the process, by introducing an economic point of view, such as grinding the answer to the problem of Grand Sumo "paddling" from the victory and defeat rate, we can convert the view of things we have used as usual . What do you think as if there is "common sense" that shows a slightly different aspect just by slightly changing the point of view?
- title
- Economics of happiness
- Screening location
- Screening period
- 2011年5月21日〜
- Screen time
- 12:45〜
- directed by
- Helena Norberg = Hodge, Stephen Gorrick, John Page
UPLINK Xでは5月21日より、「本当の幸せとは?」を探るドキュメンタリー「幸せの経済学」が公開中。これまで世界では「GNP(国民総生産)」や「GDP(国内総生産)」など、経済成長率をもとに国の豊かさを計ってきました。その結果、世界の様々な地域に「開発」の波が押し寄せて消費社会が促進。同作ではローカリゼーションをキーワードに、そうして失われたコミュニティの伝統的な暮らしを見つめ直します。世界の環境活動家たちは、民族紛争、異常気象、失業など、グローバリゼーションの拡大によって引き起こされた様々な問題を提起。豊かさとは、経済成長率だけでは計りきれないことが明らかにされた現代、私たちはどうやって本当の幸せを手にいれればよいのか。東日本大震災からの「復興」を目指す私たちにとっても身近な問題として心に迫ります。
- title
- もしドラ 〜もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら
- Screening location
- Shibuya HUMAX Cinema
- Screening period
- 2011年6月4日〜
- Screen time
- Please contact us for more information about the screening time up to the theater
- directed by
- Makoto Tanaka
- Starring out
- Maeda Atsuko, Seto Yasufumi, Minegishi Minami, Ikeimatsu Sosei, Kawaguchi Haruna, Hirosi Oizumi
渋谷HUMAXシネマでは6月4日より、130万部を超える同名ベストセラーを映画化した話題作「もしドラ 〜もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら」を公開します。同作は、世界最高の経営思想家とされるピーター・ドラッカーが説く経営学を、甲子園を目指す女子マネージャーの視点からわかり易く紹介するビジネス書兼青春小説。同作では、経済学を用いて俯瞰的な視野から捉えてきた諸問題を、実際にその構成メンバーがどのように対応していくのかよいのかを紹介。いわば「応用編」とも言える同作を通して、あなたはどうやって問題に取り組みますか?