Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

古代の壁画から始まる絵画の歴史をたどり、長い歴史を経て進化してきた絵画表現を批評するのは難しい。絵画史上では高く評価されてきた抽象画をなんの前知識もなくいきなり鑑賞したってその「良さ」を感じ取れるはずはないし、だからこそ知識がなければ美術館は何となく敷居が高い場所だと感じてしまうのは当然だろう。 でも、そんな方こそ「展覧会」に足を運んでみて欲しい。

Andrew Wyeth "Phantom Study" 1949 watercolor, paper Marunuma Art Park built © Andrew Wyeth

In the current Shibuya, tells us that "the eyes of the point aimed" in the finished work by arranging the production process of the two exhibitions over painting"Journey to the Andrew Wyeth Creation"It was applied anew spot in the "candid drawn line" that has not been evaluated to date『素朴美の系譜〜江戸から大正・昭和へ〜』Over is being held. Exhibition and is, as well as a place to arrange the picture, you should notice that it's events that will tell the "Reading of the picture."

Bunkamura MuseumIn the exhibition to tell the representative painter Andrew Wyeth production process of American Realism"Journey to the Andrew Wyeth Creation"There's being held. Wyeth which drew almost all of the work at the birthplace and Maine villa of Pennsylvania. And mediocre rural landscape was bleak, work group that captures the people who live there, different from the American figure that has made drastic changes to the First World War and later capitalist society, the "original landscape" of the United States It has generated a lot of fans as to convey.

アンドリュー・ワイエス 《幻影》 1949年 テンペラ、メゾナイト ニューブリテン・アメリカ美術館蔵 ©Andrew Wyeth 

In this exhibition, and the finished work, which was painted by tempera, arrange the drawings and watercolor that has been created for its preparation. Masterpiece of Wyeth "Christina of the world" is, hands and feet Disabled Christina is, but it is the work that captures the moment that go back from work in the fields to the house, to the venue, the "Christina flowing in the wind hair," "One Piece of the hem fluttering back "," drawing and watercolor a total of 8 points to the motif, such as only bare hands "against the ground in order to drag the body was O'to draw alone is, line up as a study for the" Christina of the world ".
Wyeth itself, for the drawing by pencil "pressing strongly a core of very nice black pencil. Then, there is that the core is broken. Doing so, I express my strong impression that occurs between the subject" and , he said, "that I felt at that time it is possible to draw as it is quickly" for watercolor. The study group lined up in the venue, change of whereabouts and awareness of the interest of Wyeth has been shown to talkative, you can feel hidden in the back of the realism of serene complete work, the deep passion of Wyeth to the subject .

アンドリュー・ワイエス 《幻影》 1949年 テンペラ、メゾナイト ニューブリテン・アメリカ美術館蔵 6copy;Andrew Wyeth  アンドリュー・ワイエス 《幻影 習作》 1949年 水彩、紙 丸沼芸術の森蔵 ©Andrew Wyeth

Journey to the Andrew Wyeth creation
Bunkamura Museum
Holding period:
Until every Friday and Saturday 21:00
(Admission until 30 minutes before each closing)
On the day General / 1400 yen
Middle and high school students / 1,000 yen
Elementary school students / 700 yen

Shoto Museum of ArtIt is in being held『素朴美の系譜〜江戸から大正・昭和へ〜』, Even while being dismissed from occasionally painting circles in the rise of the representation of the European and Chinese realism painting, but the exhibition to tell the trend "rustic beauty" of a free and generous painting expressions which have been followed unbroken. The venue, from Otsue that was sold as a "souvenir" in the early modern among the common people, Zenga that Zen-Hakuin drew as a means of indoctrination of the people, Soseki Natsume drew as beside hobby of literary activity Nanga They are lined up like. Seemingly work group also looks to pieces, but what works even without regard to superficial realism, common is that it openly drew out of mind. When looking at each one of vigorously drawn the line drawing and zing, fun and the very act of painting, it and simple joy that tell someone, impersonal people who drew transmitted to the Straight funny because come. The act of "painting", as part of someone rather than a privileged thing, one of the mass media to convey the feelings to someone in the same way as characters. Impulse of childhood enjoyed the "graffiti" was revived.

Yasunori Yanaka "people spit the butterfly"

Of rustic beauty from genealogy Edo to Taisho and Showa
Shoto Museum of Art
Holding period:
※ Admission 16:30
Exhibition by:
Until the previous fiscal year December 28
From January 4 late
On the day the general / 300 yen
Elementary, middle and high students / 100 yen

Morikazu Kumagai "crescent"

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