Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

Japan Racing Association (JRA) is the strongest horse playoff Arima Kinen, which concludes one year to enforce, are closing in on finally December 28 (Sunday). Arima Memorial that compete in the turf Uchimawari 2,500 meters of Nakayama Racecourse, All-Star race to elect the horses by a fan vote. Ranking the top 10 horses of the racehorse to win the berth. In this recommendation, as well as horse racing fans only, in Japan ahead of the big race Arima Memorial that rise in horse racing, I want to tell the recommendations to improve the horse racing fever.

Image of Deep Impact

Although there is interested in horse racing, how do you a recommended horse racing novices that do not know how good you enjoyed the is, facilities that outgoing horse racing, the information of the horse events culturePlaza Equusだ。エクウスでは、ナリタブライアンやオグリキャップ、ディープインパクトなど歴史的名馬の像や資料が展示され、1984年から現在(2008.10.18※随時更新)までのJRA全重賞競走を検索・動画鑑賞できるなど、五感で競馬を楽しめる設備が充実。日本の競馬が歩んできた歴史を感じることができる。また、GIシーズンにはレースに関する最新情報を上映する大型ビジョンやギャラリーも登場する。施設内では有馬記念へ向けてのファン投票も受け付け(〜2008年12月8日)ているので、お気に入りの馬を見つけて一票を投じてみるのも面白いだろう。


Name of facility :
Plaza Equus
business hours:
Tuesday (Tuesday if Monday is a national holiday the next day), year-end and New Year holidays
free entrance

That is tell the horse's attractiveness as an animal, not competition only,Promo Arte GalleryIn being held"Hubert de Watorigan Exhibition"I. This exhibition, in the painting exhibition to convey hot air of the horses and the racetrack, the moment of the drama of the jockey and the horse, Hubert de Watorigan of the author is the artist who was born in the family to the production development of French racehorse . There is a reputation for high depiction force and elegant representations of quality, it has produced, such as scarf pattern of fashion brand HERMES starting from harness workshop (Hermes). Third time in Japan, in the exhibition for the first time in eight years, all published works are new. "Watch" this exhibition the horses full of life force will us surely convey a fresh surprise to genuine horse racing fan.

Jaune yellow mask (face) / 35 × 41cm / © promo-arte, © Arakawa Art office

Hubert de Watorigan Exhibition
Promo Arte Gallery
Holding period:
2008年11月28日〜2008年12月9日 12:00〜19:00 ※月曜日は休廊日です。
free entrance

© promo-arte, © Arakawa Art office

© 2008 Three Kingdoms Ltd. © Bai Xiaoyan

In addition, such as westerns and historical drama, do not forget the presence of the horse in has graced the movie at home and abroad "cavalry battle".Shibuhigashi ShinetawaScreened at the other, the domestic weekend box office blockbuster that records the top of 5 weeks (mobilization aggregate)"Red Cliff"には、エキストラ1000人と200頭の馬を使って、人と馬とが入り乱れた迫力の「騎馬戦」シーンが登場する。監督は、『フェイス/オフ』『M:I-2』での暴力的かつ華麗な銃撃戦が印象深いジョン・ウー。ウー監督は、「全ての作品において黒澤明監督の『七人の侍』を参考にしている」と公言。今回の『レッドクリフ』では特に、馬上での殺陣が見事な『隠し砦(とりで)の三悪人』が参照されている。馬の調教のノウハウがない中国で、一から独学で馬を育てるところから始めたというウー監督。圧倒的な数の馬が思い思いに駆け回り、倒れ乱れる迫力のシーンに息を飲んで欲しい。

2008 / the United States, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea / 145 minutes / Distributor: Toho Towa, Avex Entertainment / © 2008 Three Kingdoms Ltd. © Bai Xiaoyan

Shibuhigashi Shinetawa
Holding period:
10: 00/13: 05
/ 16: 10/19: 15
※ There is a possibility of a time change from 12/13 (Sat).
directed by:
John Woo
Out Starring:
Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Zhang Feng Yi, Chang Chen, Vicki Zhao, Fu Jun, Shido Nakamura (special appearance), Lin Chi-ling (movie's first appearance)

© 2008 Three Kingdoms Ltd. © Bai Xiaoyan

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