Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

Essay manga Oshima Yumiko drew the life of a cat"A cat Even Goo Goo"There, or made into a movie in Kyoko Koizumi starring, gag manga by Kiminori Wakasugi"Detroit Metal City"In the film adaptation, and or call the topic plays a Crowther II world is Matsuyama Kenichi, is that the live-action film excellent cartoon to the original will be produced, no longer uncommon thing at present.
However, to draw a has been deformed in consecutive frames person, and the stories that will be spelled out in a "cartoon" to continue to represent the voice by using a balloon and onomatopoeia, a combination of live-action video, movie expression that go by superimposing the voice on it story spelled by can be the same story, effect and impression obtained is quite different. A fondness comics made into a movie, the experience of the image is felt the stress not match is, everyone will have a clue. Although in the case of the original will be emphasized story and setting part of the cartoon, in the act of reading the comics, it is filled with a number of information using cartoon-specific expression in addition to the story.
This time, while introducing the work surrounding cartoon being held in Shibuya, I would like to look back for the fun of again cartoon representation.

© 2008 Akira Sasō, Shogakukan / Production Committee "Ssu us to not tomorrow."

Akira Sasō of manga,"Child prodigy""Children of the children."And, have one after another is visualization. The to "prodigy" is hero genius pianist, It was interesting representation of the piano sound in the cartoon, "children of the children" is, the elementary school students of pregnancy on the theme, was Mise shakes the existing ethics. Drama and, unlikely comics go firmly captured the moment of everyday that is in the drama is in the everyday picture of a little of the power loss. That has been described as a masterpiece among such unlikely work, to slap stick when the Arekore surrounding sex, in the black at the time, is "Ssu not tomorrow to us" short continuous cropping, which portrays the emotion a lot when .
this time,"One Million Yen Girl""Firstborn of red culture houses"If, Yuki Tanada director has continued to film production to the hero of the independent woman to survive in their own sense of values, to achieve a film adaptation of this "We do not tomorrow Ssu".

© 2008 Akira Sasō, Shogakukan / Production Committee "Ssu us to not tomorrow."

From the original, high school students terraced rice fields director chose to Part 3 of the hero, but it should did not have one of something that the "fun In this movie, but the is it still was irreplaceable time, like seem so, such a time comments and was deprived of mind "to the original that were cut. Men but rare in the works of the hero rice terraces director, in terms to draw a daily youth was feeling depressed, such as everything feels annoying it can be said that there is a common point. Movie version"Ssu us to not tomorrow."In, but attention to the hero who has been terraced rice fields of. In addition, Akira Sasō will be or have been comics into reverse award-winning movie "Departures" the Grand Prix at the Montreal Film Festival. Since the manga is also rare that a movie with the original, people who are interested in please make sure the difference for the hand.

2008 / Japan / 79 minutes / distribution: Slow Learner / © 2008 Akira Sasō, Shogakukan / "Ssu us to not tomorrow." Production Committee

Ssu us to do tomorrow
Screening Location:
Euro Space
Screening period:
11: 00/13: 00/15: 00
17: 00/19: 00
13: 00/15: 00/17: 00
directed by:
Yuki Tanada
Out Starring:
Tokio Emoto, Yuya Endo, Kusano initiative, Ando Sakura, Mizusaki Ayaon'na, Miwako

© 2008 Akira Sasō, Shogakukan / Production Committee "Ssu us to not tomorrow."

Tobacco and Salt MuseumSo, until the end of this month,"Early Modern Genre Painting dynamism and pleasure."Entitled, it has been collected exhibition to bring together the Early Modern Genre Painting folding screen depicting lively era that has changed to the modern era from the Middle Ages. What drawn is, nameless people our dynamism and the appearance of pleasure that jumped from this period in the painting of the subject. And do an eye on the details of a large folding screen which are arranged on one side floor, surprised that there is a rich look to each was incorporated to draw small people. People who smoke gracefully cigarette in the house, people buy people, to sell something in the road, and people who have stood talking gathered, there are different each society of people attribute from one of the folding screen to nobles and begging story read. Although Japan's oldest comic is said to be in the Heian era picture scroll "Wildlife person caricature (wildlife caricature)", in this exhibition to convey vividly in people line that has been deformed life, try to feel the end of the cartoon representation the also interesting.

Special exhibition from "Early Modern Genre Painting dynamism and pleasure."
Recreation person view [part] Hosomi Museum of Art

Early Modern genre painting dynamism and pleasure Exhibition
Tobacco and Salt Museum
Holding period:
※ up to 30 minutes before closing admission.
※ Closed day, every Monday.

Market Kawahara Recreation figure screen [part] Nishio City cultural property Nishio City Iwase Bunko deposit private collection

From the video at night school flyer of 2008.10

In addition, you are wanting to touch live in more cartoon world, a long-established event of the up-link following eight years from 2000"Takashi Nemoto of the video night junior high school."Fun to try to participate in. Takashi Nemoto is referred to as a "Gallo system", one person in the known of the cartoonist in the most extreme style Among Japan's underground comic writer, created a keyword such as "radio system" "garbage house" it person. Video night junior high school, in the Kei Nemoto of talk events of principle overnight-contained,UPLINK FACTORYIt will be held on every last Friday at. In the event, the video and music root is collected, is any other tomes are almost haphazardly showing off, then I do not know what will happen, so. The deployment can not read, students us unawares retracted and can not become that turning back. Witnessing the every move of the underlying Mr. unfolds in improvisation, from the way of life, profession of cartoonist, what about try to touch the cartoon of the essence. However, because Takashi Nemoto has self-proclaimed itself as special cartoonist, your attention. The next event is November 28 (Friday).


Takashi Nemoto of the video night junior and literacy school Hen (November)
Holding period:
November 28, 2008
19:30 Doors open / 20:00 curtain
Out Starring:
Kei Nemoto (special cartoonist / illusion of name board Liberation League)

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