Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

Autumn is also getting deeper and it has become a chilly season. This time I would like to feature works that dealt with "painters" from the movies that started in Shibuya while feeling the beginning of "Art of Autumn". From the Dutch genre painter Johannes Vermeer of the 17th century to the court painter Francis de Goya who was born in Spain in the 18th century, they still hit our hearts. What is the secret hidden there?

© 2008 "Achilles and Turtle" Production Committee

From September 20th,Cine Amuse East & WestSo, Director Takeshi Kitano's latest work"Achilles and the Tortoise"It is open to the public. At the production presentation, "This movie was seriously done," Kitano said the enthusiasm, this time hero is reminiscent of French painter Henri Matisse Mayumi Hisashi. From the boys who aimed at painters, the adolescence in art, adolescence until the middle age when deepening the bonds of couples through creative activities, objectively, the reasons for clumsy painters who could not find success Warmth is transmitted, taking a unique point of view. Although Kitano has effectively inserted his own paintings into the movie, such as "HANA-BI" (98) etc, this time, this time in the painting work that drew out more than 200 points, this work A lot of paintings will appear, adding what I drew for. Many of the paintings drawn by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and others, which are parody of representative artists of pop art, are showing many skills as a painter of Kitano Takeshi.

"Rakugo" robbed from Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

In 1990 a total of 13 artworks including Vermeer's "ensemble" were robbed from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum of Art (Boston). A documentary searching for this "ensemble" which is still missing from now, from 27th SeptemberUPLINK FACTORY/XHas been published at"Searching for Vermeer who disappeared / Painting Detective Harold Smith". Rebecca · Dreyfuss, who supervised this work, "I met" the ensemble "when I was a girl, and was overwhelmed by its mysterious beauty." In this volume, it is recorded that the world famous painting photographer Harold Smith pursues the move of "ensemble" for two years. As of 2008, the "ensemble" remains undiscovered, but what is clarified through this work is that "a great work of art has the power to unite people who were separated by the century and the continent" . Also,Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of PhotographySo, until October 13 (Monday)"Liquid crystal painting / Still Motion"As part of the exhibition, works by contemporary artist Yasumasa Morimura are also displayed, which means that you can become yourself in Vermeer's masterpiece "Girl with Pearl Ear Decoration". The influence of the 17th century Dutch painter Vermeer has been handed down firmly to the hearts of people still when he died.

© 2006 Xuxa Producciones SL - All Rights Reserved

Also,Shibuya TokyuFrom Saturday, October 4, the latest work by Miros Foreman, who won the Academy Director's Prize twice in "On the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975) and "Amadeus" (1984)"The court painter Goya saw"Is made public. Born in Spain in 1746, Goya was appointed a court painter who was the highest prize given to artists of the time in 1789. However, while receiving an authoritative evaluation, he continued to draw poor people and produced paintings and prints that criticize power and society. A printmaking collection "Victim of the war" drawn vividly on the details of the tragedy of war was based on the invasion of Spain by Napoleon in 1808 and became a spokesperson for the Spaniard who died silently. This work "Court painter Goya saw" is gazing at those who live in the two worlds of the royal government and the people in Spain who is shaken by domestic and foreign disturbances from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century through such viewpoint of Goya. Director Foreman said he decided to make a film this time, "I was overwhelmed by his paintings and I could not drive away from my head." Also, Jean-Claude Carriere, who has been making movies with Godard and Louis Mulle, said, "Spain in the era of Goya is very similar to the era in which I lived," undertaking the script of this work It was. Goya looked for "the truth of man" in the era of confusion. If Goya is alive now, what kind of truth do you draw in "modern"?

From "Achilles and Turtle" © 2008 "Achilles and Turtles" Production Committee

2008 / Japan / 119 minutes / Distribution: Tokyo Theater + Office Kitano / © 2008 "Achilles and Turtle" Production Committee

Achilles and tortoise
Screening Location:
Cine Amuse East & West
Screening period:
directed by:
Takeshi Kitano
Out Starring:
Beat Takeshi, Higuchi Kanako, Yanagi Rei, Aso Kumiko


2005 / USA / 83 minutes / Distribution: Uplink

Searching for Vermeer who disappeared / Painting Detective Harold Smith
Screening Location:
Screening period:
directed by:
Rebecca Dreyfuss
Out Starring:
Harold Smith, Greg Smith


2006 / USA / 114 minutes / Distribution: GO · CINEMA Corporation / © 2006 Xuxa Producciones SL - All Rights Reserved

Goya's Ghosts
Screening Location:
Shibuya Tokyu
Screening period:
For more information on show times, contact the theater
directed by:
Miros Foreman
Out Starring:
Javier Bardem, Nathalie Portman, Stellan Scarsgard, Randy Quaid, Jose Luis Gomez, Michelle Lonsdale, Mabel Rivera


"Looking for vanishing vermeer / Painting Detective Harold Smith" from
The empty picture frame is currently being hung on the space where the stolen work was.

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