Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

Nowadays that disparity society is regarded as a problem. "Internet cafe refugees who can not have their own home" are also tough, but even this does not mean that the "rich people" who earn a lifetime of salaried workers in a month are happy .... In the old days, I felt with my first byte of birth was a fresh pleasure for "When I work I get money somehow once a month". That is how I remembered the natural rule that my labor was converted to wages.

Cine Amuse East & WestIn in public"In this free world"は、イギリスを代表する社会派映画監督ケン・ローチの最新作である。シングルマザーのアンジーは、務めていた職業紹介所を不当な理由で解雇されてしまう。その後、持ち前のガッツで派遣会社を自ら設立したアンジーは、今度は自分自身が雇用主となり、 移民たちを食い物に。しかし、そのアンフェアな仕事ぶりの一方で、アンジーの望みは、自分の息子と暮らすというささやかなものだった。本作は、アンジーの視点を通して、「シングルマザー」や「移民」たちの尊厳が、「競争によってより大きな利益を追う」ことを認める「自由市場」によって、いとも簡単に踏みにじられていく様子を伝える。

Shinesezon ShibuyaIn in public"One Million Yen Girl"The protagonist is Suzuko who lives a part-time job in many places. "Well, if there are million yen, there will not be a problem in life for the time being," she decided to quit a byte and move away every time one million yen is accumulated. It's a seemingly messy rule, but in reality it is due to her delicate idea of ​​avoiding being "deeply involved with people by being together for a long time". While he was nice, Suzuko eventually felt like being in love with Nakajima he met in a byte. However, Nakajima who borrows money one after another like that. "Million yen" becomes a tool to suppress emotions at one time, and in some cases becomes a source of roughness of their emotions. It is a work again noticed in the dangerous two aspects of money.

A comedy depicting a couple who ceased to engage in marriage as a mask and a couple over the ownership of 3 million dollars casually held at the Las Vegas casino,Shibuhigashi Shinetawa,Cine FrontPublished in at the"Vegas's Rules to Win Love". Two people planning to make the opponent a bad guy and bring it to divorce and to have three million dollars all over. However, as we live together, the opponent will be anxious about it soon ....

In the "capitalist society" where the presence or absence of "capital" directly leads to the magnitude of "power", capital will bring us a culmination of happiness at one time, and in some cases even criminal charges. Among the social systems that can not be escaped, we still seek "freedom", "trust", "love". To be strong living, I can not be satisfied with money alone.

2007 / UK / 96 minutes / Distribution: Cinekanon / © Sixteen Films Ltd, BIM Distribuzione, EMC GmbH and Tornasol Films SAMMVII

In this free world
Screening Location:
Cine Amuse East & West
Screening period:
17: 00/19: 15
directed by:
Ken Roach
Out Starring:
Kilston · Wearing, Juliet · Ellis, Lesław · Jurlick

The latest work of director Ken Roach, the treasure of the British who won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival Palm Dole in "The wind that shakes wheat's head". It is an impressive work that can be called the essence of Roach, which finds the world in London's work as a man of unknown person.

2007 / Japan / color / 121 minutes / Distribution: Nikkatsu / © 2008 "million yen and insult women" Production Committee

Million yen and suffering woman
Screening Location:
Shinesezon Shibuya
Screening period:
directed by:
Yuki Tanada
Out Starring:
Aoi, Moriyama Miyuko, Pierre Taki, Takeshi Terunosuke, Saito Ryoso, Sasano Takashi

Yu Aoi played a leading role for the first time in 3 years since "Nailaianai Letter", a bittersweet youth loading movie. It separates from the encounter of the heroine that will inevitably change from place to place, and carefully reflects clumsy love. Director Tanayuki Tanada is "the first child of a red culture house". The co-star also begins with Mr. Moriyama's "Miracle of Smile Saint Seiya", Pierre Taki of "Warboro" and Takafumi Sasano of "Tranvers" solidify aside. While moving over, I sympathize with the appearance of the hero who grows little by little.

2008 / USA / 99 min / Distributor:. 20th Century Fox movie / TM and © 2007 Twentieth Century Fox and Regency Entertainment All rights reserved.

Rules to win the Vegas love
Screening Location:
Shibuhigashi Shinetawa
Cine Front
Screening period:
Shibuhigashi Shinetawa
Cine Front
11: 00/13: 40/16: 20/19: 00
directed by:
Tom Vaughan
Out Starring:
Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher, Queen Latifah, Michelle Cluj, Lake Bell

The famous proverb says, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is to think away with the reason of the shell, to taste the ultimate pleasure, to make a fuss and get a rush quick Having a moment of having a dream to have. However, if you had remembered anything that was supposed to be a dream for a moment, it may be that it could not be cleared up simply by a "dream" ....


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