Recommendation this week, culture that editing room to recommendation

Beijing Olympic Games kicks off from finally August 8. Opening ceremony is scheduled to begin from the National Stadium 8 8:00 pm at (nicknamed "bird's nest") (Japan time 21:08).

©2008 by T&C Film AG. All rights reserved.

"Bird's nest" that has been newly constructed towards this time of the Olympic Games, which Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, which was victorious in the competition from the end of 2002 was designed.
Towards the Beijing Olympics, two Swiss is the architect, the monument even after the Olympic Games continue to function in Beijing ..., challenged in the policy of "bird's nest". From August 2Euro SpaceAnd in published『鳥の巣−北京のヘルツォーク&ド・ムーロン』Is, "bird's nest" of this time, is a documentary that drew up to be ready as actually building since it was chosen in competition. Architect and two European of the "common sense", how impressive this work that values ​​the auspicious Chinese national "public opinion" collide many times. Two completely different cultures is, before the going to actually rapidly To complete "Bird's Nest", the exchange that will shorten the relationship gradually while compromise with each other, interesting thrilling.


Also, if this is south about 8 km from the "bird's nest", arrive at Tiananmen Square. "Tiananmen", the Monument to the People's Heroes, Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, the Great Hall of the People, the world's largest open space, including the National Museum of China, since its development in 1954, has become an important stage of national events and history. In particular, "Tiananmen incident" that occurred in 1989, student protesters who demanded the democratization rallying to Tiananmen underwent armed repression by the "People's Liberation Army" of the Communist Party leadership that had came to power at the time the State it is known as the incident. Number of deaths in this incident, which is also said to be 10,000 people with 300 people, many of the citizens who complained of a time of democratization been arrested, a number of students, intellectuals went into exile.Theatre Image ForumIn, in China have been taboo even today the "Tiananmen incident", China's film history's first works were handled from the student side"Tiananmen, Lovers"There's in public. This film screenings in China is undergoing a ban from the government. Remembering that the conflict on the spirit of the students and the government has evolved into the use of force, "student movement" is the 1960s was a thriving, are also held Tokyo Olympic Games in exactly the same time, the similarities with Japan less Absent.

Well, it is also at the Image Forum, published on The Late Show from July 12"Landscape with now in here."Is a documentary that Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky is going to capture the manner in which to shoot the Three Gorges Dam and Shanghai. Three Gorges Dam, the name of the concrete dam the flood suppression, power supply and water transportation improvements are built in the Three Gorges of the mid-China and the Yangtze River basin is advanced as a primary objective. Construction of this dam, since economic liberalization, is a major project that symbolizes the great powers, China has undergone rapid changes. The city to sink into this gorge dam, but was "Still Life" is also a masterpiece painted through the people who work at the construction site of the dam while born and raised in the city, this time of work, the strain of industrial development faced by the gorge dam, convey through the overwhelmingly vast "contaminated" landscape. However, this work is excellent, the terms of industry VS not confined to raise one-sided problem of nature, in other words the contaminated landscape, lies precisely in the fact that overwhelmingly "beautiful". Mountain of vast to spread industrial waste, before the water surface of the river was dyed in red, nothing but we can not only be horror.


Finally, also at the Image Forum (how much stunning selection of Image Forum!), From August 23"Little red flower"There are screenings. This work, from a child's point of view of the four-year-old attending the Beijing boarding kindergarten, ask the way of uniform education system. Of course, the problem of whether we are involved in intimate how much the personality of children, would be in trouble of Japan's education as well as China only. Other, communicate widely the kung fu of the charm is a traditional Chinese martial arts"Kung Fu Panda""Kung Fu Dunk! ", Convey the work, beauty and spiritual of China began in effectiveness tea competition Zong era "闘茶""闘茶", The Chinese emperor era to the stage, telling the Asian superpower and China of Orientalism from the Western point of view"Mummy 3 cursed emperor of the treasure."Such as, movies convey the spirit, history, landscape and tradition of China in Shibuya is really a lot of screenings in. The Beijing Bubbly in Olympic, knowing more deeply more widely, watching differently surely homeopathic is not the difference in the experience.


● decipher the cultural

2008年/スイス、フランス/88分/配給:ユーロスペース/©2008 by T&C Film AG. All rights reserved.

Screening Location:
Euro Space
Screening period:
10: 00/12: 00/21: 15
directed by:
Christoph Shoup, Michael Shintoherumu
Out Starring:
Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Ai Weiwei

Building was given the nickname "Bird's Nest" from the Chinese people in a unique form is, diligently captured was this documentary to reveal the whole picture is the world's countries have a successful ingenious architecture two people slide into revealing the architect of the creative process.

● decipher in modern history

2006 / China, France / 140 minutes / Distributor: Tagereo Publishing / © LAUREL FILMS / DREAM FACTORY / ROSEM FILMS / FANTASY PICTURES 2006

Tiananmen, lovers
Screening Location:
Theatre Image Forum
Screening period:
11: 00/13: 50/16: 40/19: 30
directed by:
Lou Ye
Out Starring:
Hao Lei, Guo Xiaodong, Fu Lin, Chang Shanmin, Tsuan-Meihoitsu, Tsuui Lynn, pie-Shuyon

Director, Lou Ye, which is said to be China movie sixth generation of the standard-bearer along with Zhang Yuan and Wang Shaoshuai et al. Director with experience who participated in the Tiananmen Square incident also themselves as Beijing students, in order to truth to express their experience, had continued to warm the idea of ​​this movie immediately after the incident. Director, for a hypersensitivity reaction of the authorities said, "I'm not going to dealing with politics in their own movie." However, in this work we have spent a lot of time in later life to sublimate the incident, which portrays this generation "could not only be the there" unique experience with the reality.

● decipher in the landscape

2006 / Canada / 87 min / Distributor: Cafe Groove, Muviora / © EDWARD BURTYNSKY

Landscape with now here
Screening Location:
Theatre Image Forum
Screening period:
directed by:
Jennifer Baichiworu
Out Starring:
Edward Burtynsky

International Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky. He has continued to take 20 years, the development of the human race, that is, the wide-area photo of strong was landscape changes to the extreme by the industry in the world. The picture, strange is, even while praising the cruelty, willy-nilly to attract people to look at the overwhelming beauty. Movie visited him in China "now landscape here and there", industrial development is a documentary that records the figure to fit into a photo a huge impact on this country.

Decipher ● Education

2006 / China, Italy / 92 minutes / distribution and promotion: Arushineteran

Small red flower
Screening Location:
Theatre Image Forum
Screening period:
11: 20/13: 40/16: 00/18: 30
directed by:
Zhang Yuan
Out Starring:
Dun & Bowen, Ning Yuan Yuan, Chin-Mangyan, Xiao Rui, Li-Shaofen

4-year-old boy Jiang has been deposited, a boarding kindergarten in Beijing. There was a society in which "it is all the same" is praise. At first, was his to make efforts to cater around, gradually to question the park of education policy, it appears to bravely defiant behavior alone. However, Chiang going isolated gradually at the suggestion of the principal teacher. Soon I want to be an adult, what Jiang to believe that since become free if so, was seen outside of the escape was kindergarten ....

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