Shibuya culture project

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"Movie", "Art", such as "events," "Live," "stage", published in Shibuya, from the culture information that will be held, pick up the editorial department recommended.

The theme

Relationship between the state and individuals who see the movie

第二次世界大戦の終結から70年を迎える2015年の日本。世界ではイラク・シリアを拠点とした「イスラム国」の国家樹立宣言や、中国と周辺諸国との国境領土問題、ウクライナ東部での政府軍と新ロシア派との戦闘など、戦争へと発展する可能性をはらんだ緊迫した政治情勢が各所で見られている。先日から大きな注目を集めてきた日本人拘束事件も含め、日本も現在そんな不安定な国際情勢と無関係とはいえない。 今回は多くの尊い命が犠牲になった第二次世界大戦を思い返し、個人と国家との関係について考える映画群をピックアップ。「第4回死刑映画週間」ではそもそも国家を運営する側も個人の集まりにすぎないということを伝え、クロード・ランズマン監督3作品の特集上映会では様々な視点からホロコーストの歴史にフォーカス、ドキュメンタリー「SAYAMA みえない手錠をはずすまで」では、殺人罪の冤罪を訴え続ける男の生きざまを追う。 平和な環境ではなかなか見えにくい「個人」と「国家」の関係。しかし特に2011年の東日本大震災以降、今まで政治に興味がなかった人も、日本という国の選択が「自分事」に近づいてきているような感覚、味わっている人も多いのでは? そしてそんな日本が様々な国際情勢に参加せざるをえない時、私達が目指す未来とは?戦後70周年を契機に、国と自分との理想的な関係について考えるきっかけにしたい。

This Month Specials

4th death penalty Film Week "People whether Sabakeru the people."

"BOX Iwao Hakamada life and the" 2010 / Japan / 117 minutes / distribution: Slow Learner
4th death penalty Film Week "People whether Sabakeru the people."
Screening location
Shibuya Euro Space
Screening period
February 14, 2015 (Saturday) to February 20 (Friday)
Screen time
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"Downfall and glory of Death Doctor," "I want to be the shellfish," "Zeus of the court," "Born on the North Korean concentration camps", "banner fluttering down," "BOX Hakamada the incident life," "Heaven station HEAVEN STATION "" witness of the chair. "

From February 14 days in the euro space, such as depicting the false accusation death penalty incident "Hakamada incident" in the judge's point of view was sentenced to the death penalty "is a BOX Iwao Hakamada life", I chose the theme "that judge people" movie 4th death penalty Film week to feature eight starts.
The theme of "human is whether Sabakeru the people" is, as an example, such as that the condemned was that Iwao Hakamada has been released in 48 years become the innocence confirmed, people who lack the logic and ethics is a "person Court Iteiru "reality to that focus. Dealing with this, "the BOX Iwao Hakamada life" Besides, former fiance comrades drew the court to stand in place of the judge and the defendant, "the court of Zeus" (2013, Japan, 136 minutes) Ya , 1953 was actually happened false accusation incident "Tokushima radio Commercial killing incident" a model "witness of the chair" (1965, 103 minutes), and growth as the son of political prisoners in North Korea's concentration camps, miracle to "born in North Korea gulag" documentary of the young man who was successful in North Korean defectors (2012, 104 minutes), such as 8 work will be screened in the program regulations.
During the period, Hakamada's false accusation condemned, Kiichiro Yagishita of film critic, plan to deploy also talk that led to such Makoto Aoki of journalists. Death penalty opponents also, proponents also, is try to chance to Omoinaosu each?

SHOAH Shore (Claude Lanzmann Director 3 works)

"SHOAH Shore" 1985 / France / 567 minutes / © Les Films Aleph
SHOAH Shore (Claude Lanzmann Director 3 works)
Screening location
Shibuya Image Forum
Screening period
February 14, 2015 (Saturday) - March 6 (Friday)
Screen time
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directed by
Claude Lanzmann
"SHOAH Shore," "Sobibór, Lublin Voivodeship, 4 pm October 14, 1943," "End of the injustice"

From February 14 in Shibuya Image Forum, such as whole hen 9 hours 27 minutes documentary dealing with the Jews of incarceration run during the Second World War "SHOAH (Shore)", Claude Lanzmann coach three works screening to.
Lanzmann director in Paris, France was born in 1925. During World War II was a high school student, he participated in the resistance activities against the Nazi invasion. After the war, he worked as a journalist to deepen Sartre and Beauvoir and friendship, announced the "SHOAH" in 1985. It shocked the nation of the world of thought. And later as a documentary filmmaker until now, we have continued to pursue the truth of the Holocaust by Nazi Germany (genocide).
In greeting the post-war 70 years, now become out of print by the Japanese version of DVD this time to publish was a "masterpiece of illusion" "SHOAH". Jews Lanzmann director in the same work has survived from the Nazi camp, former Nazi SS members of the camp, visited the enormous witnesses, such as Polish farmer living in the vicinity of the camp, the fourth part of the main part of 567 minutes in introduction. It has gained a high reputation in the past of recording video and sentimental music as artistry full of works that were excluded at all. In addition to telling the planning and setbacks of the Jews by armed uprising in the camp "Zobiburu, at 4, 1943 October 14, the afternoon", "End of the injustice," the latest work also screened together.
Welcomed the post-war 70 years, so as not to weathering the "memory" of the Holocaust, I want increments to firmly mind.

SAYAMA to remove the handcuffs invisible

2013 / Japan / 105 minutes
SAYAMA to remove the handcuffs invisible
Screening location
Shibuya uplink
Screening period
February 21, 2015 (Saturday) - March 6 (Friday)
Screen time
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directed by
Starring out
Kazuo Ishikawa, Sachiko Ishikawa

From February 21 days in the uplink, after the prison life of 32 years, even now that 19 years from parole has passed should be noted that a documentary that followed the Kazuo Ishikawa continue complained of innocence, 2014 Mainichi Film Award "Documentary Film soon he was awarded the prize "," to remove the handcuffs invisible SAYAMA ".
Ishikawa in May 1963, at 24 years old at the time, arrested a high school girl that occurred in the Saitama Prefecture Sayama as perpetrators of robbery rape murder and victim. Also sentenced to death pleaded guilty in the first trial, claiming the false charges and then turn to. Life imprisonment is prison to confirm, was paroled in 1994.
While shouldering the label of "murderer" 50 years, everyday cry with laughter anger is a continuous hardships, Ishikawa's way of life to survive in a straight line, "happiness Toka", "is love," "What is a friendship," "What is justice." I want to look for the answers to various questions.

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