Shibuya culture project

More fun Shibuya! People who work, learn people, play information site for people

3 works CULTURE × SHIBUYA editing room is recommended

"Movie", "Art", such as "events," "Live," "stage", published in Shibuya, from the culture information that will be held, pick up the editorial department recommended.

The theme

2015 divine in the movie

2015年に突入ー年明け早々、西日本を中心にした日本各地が大雪に見舞われ、東京からの行き帰りに足止めを食らった人も多かったのでは? お盆とお正月は、東京で暮らす人々が故郷へ帰って親戚や友人と顔を合わせたり、祖先のお墓に手を合わせたりしながら、自分が生まれ育った「地元」の言葉、習慣、気候などを改めて感じる特別な機会。年始の挨拶を済ませてまた東京へ戻ってくる時、地元が好きな人もそうでない人も、「幼かったあの頃の自分」と向き合って思いを新たにする人も多いのでは? 今回は、そんな日本各地の地域性が産んだカルチャー・価値観を題材にした映画2本をピックアップ。1作は「沖縄」を舞台にしたローカルヒーロー作品で、もう1作は「大阪」を舞台にしたサブカルチャー作品。どちらも方言や風景から、ものの考え方や集まる人々まで、作品の端々に地域性が満載。2作を通してそれぞれの土地が育んだ独自のカルチャーを感じてみたい。 そして、併せて紹介するもう1作は、逆に国籍も言葉も異なる人々の交流がテーマのドキュメンタリー作品。そんなバラバラの人たちが友情を育む過程で拠り所となる「共通点」とは何か? その場所だから特別なもの、その場所でなくとも残るもの…、それぞれ真逆のアプローチから自分自身の2015年、大切にしたい価値観を占ってみて欲しい。

This Month Specials


2014 / Japan / 93 minutes / Distribution: Uplink / © 2014 RitzPro / NBN / PARCO / Acre Film / tvk / CTC / TVS / SUN
Screening location
Shibuya Cinema Rise
Screening period
January 31, 2015 (Saturday) ~
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Takeshi Kishimoto
Starring out
AKINA, Fukuda Moeko, Yamashiro Tomoji, Chinen sanzo, Shoza Kenta, Chineni, Shinichiro, Benbie, Ikema Natsumi, Tsunami Shinichi, Higa Kyohei

In Shibuya Cinema Rise, from January 31st, "Halser Acquer The Movie Aces" which made Okinawa's popular TV series a movie started.
"Halser Acer" which started broadcasting in the fall of 2011, gathers popularity that audience rating exceeds 16% on Saturday morning airing. With AKINA from former Folder 5 as the leading role, local hero who does not fight tells the importance of nature and food education.
In terms of Okinawa, Halser means "Farmer", Acer means "Clan". The descendants of Halser Acer who can talk with the earth are Hanako Tabata, Hara daughter and daughter Ai.
In the middle of the work, Haru who has a complex as immaculate as Hultha heads to the village with a girl who is coming as "the state of the village is strange ...". I came across those who tried to destroy the forest where God lives.
Thinking of Okinawa as the setting, what we really should protect. Movie version theme song is Okinawa's newcomer CIVILIAN SKUNK, the ending song is handled by Okinawa's popular band MONGOL 800. And in the abyss of despair, what is the hope that "he will not fight" find heroes?

Flavor universe

2015 / Japan / 103 minutes / Distribution: Gaga / © 2015 "Musical Universe" Production Committee
Flavor universe
Screening location
Human Trust Cinema Shibuya
Screening period
Saturday, February 14, 2015 ~
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Atsuhiro Yamashit
Starring out
Shibuya Subaru, Nikaido Fumi, Suzuki Sayana, Kawahara Katsumi, Matsuoka Koutami Beauty, Uno Shohei, Uno Matsuzawa, Takumi Matsuzawa, Takashi Noguchi, Kousu Sousan, Red Dog

Human Trust Cinema Shibuya will start a human drama "Ajinomoto Universe" starring Kanjani's Shibuya Subaru from February 14th.
The taste (Miso) was opened in 1956, a building built in Osaka city Sennichimae. As a complex commercial building with cabarets, banquet halls and dance halls, we developed into a facility representative of Minami's entertainment district during the bubble period. Currently it is known as one of the origins of underground culture in Japan, with bars and restaurants central to young owners. Universe is a long-established cabaret entering the taste park. After the end of the cabaret opening in 2011, it becomes a rental hall and it is popular as a live venue for young people.
In the same work, a man (Shibuya-san) who appeared in a lively manner jumped into the live of the actual music band "Red Dog" which is active mainly in the universe. Kasumi (Nikaido Fumi), a red dog manager who is interested in the identity and singing voice of a guy who is memory loss, named him "Pochi man" and greets himself as a band vocalist while living in his house living with his grandfather I try to do. However, memory of Pochi revives with flashback ... "I may be dangerous." The time that has stopped in each will begin to move again.
Director Atsuhiro Yamashita from Osaka University of Arts got megaphone. The red dogs who are from the same artsians have a tendency to be in charge of film directorial work of the same director since their debut. I would like to taste the Osaka subculture as a movie whose members are representative of Osaka with both bands and directors.

Babel's school

2013 / France / 89 minutes / Distribution: United People / © pyramidefilms
Babel's school
Screening location
Uplink Shibuya
Screening period
Saturday, February 14, 2015 ~
Screen time
More information about the screening schedule to theater
directed by
Julie Bertucheri
Starring out
Bridget Selvoni et al

On Uplink, from January 31, a documentary "Babel School" will be launched with the camera at the French language class where the children of different nationality gather.
The stage is set to specialize in the Parisian middle school which strengthened French learning so that children who do not have French as their mother tongue who lived in France from other countries live in France without inconvenience and can receive education in France class. The ages are 11 to 15 years old. Irish, Senegal, Brazil, Morocco, China, twenty-four students who are from different countries, languages ​​and religions, and exchanges with Professor Bridget Selvoni watching their independence and growth over 8 months.
A multicultural class like a microcosm of the world, innocence, enthusiasm, and troubles that teens of just teenagers who started new life in France show. Will it be possible to nurture friendship by overcoming the differences in religion, nationality, customs, history, etc., each of which has been nurtured in each place so far. The work betrays our prejudice of adults in a good way and shows us hope for the future. Unlike the "indigenous" culture I have introduced so far, why do not you reconfirm the cultures and values ​​that human beings emphasize because they are different?

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