Shibuya culture project

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Three that HIKARIE × SHIBUYA Hikarie to recommend

This month, we pick up recommendations from the latest culture information such as "Exhibitions" and "Events" held in Shibuya Hikarie .

The theme

Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up in October

最近はスーパーでも、野菜や卵のパッケージに生産者の顔写真やプロフィールが印刷されていることが多くなった。店頭に並んでいる食品は、誰がどこでどんな風に育てたものなのか…その過程や背景といった情報が安心・安全な印象や保証につながり、その食品を購入する決め手になるという人も多いのでは?もちろんそれは食品に限ったことではなく、「商品」「作品」との出合いにおいても同じこと。作者がどういう人なのか、どんな思いがこんな形を産んだのか、どのような工程を経てこんな風に仕上がったのか。その過程や背景を知ることがモノの持つ魅力をより深く味わうための大きな手がかりになることは少なくない。 今回は、ヒカリエ8/で10月に開催予定のものの中から、「制作過程」にスポットを宛てた企画3 つをピックアップ。アート、伝統工芸、インテリアデザインという異なる分野で、それぞれが生まれるまでの工程を紹介する。企画展を通して、モノそのものの魅力をより堪能するためのヒントに、そして自分自身が何かモノを創りだす時のヒントにもしてみは?

This Month Specials

Funo Nana Exhibition "underground of humidity and paper texture"

Sponsored by Tomio Koyama Gallery
Funo Nana Exhibition "underground of humidity and paper texture"
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / ART GALLERY
Holding period
2014 October 22 (Wed) - 2014 November 17 (Monday)
Holding time
Admission fee

Than ART GALLERY In October 22, it will be held the exhibition of artists Funo Nana's 1983 Born in Shizuoka.
Funo's 2008, graduated from Kyoto City University Graduate School of Fine Arts Department of Painting Department of oil painting, he won the Tomio Koyama Jury Prize in the same year of the Art Award Tokyo. Also in 2009 Ueno Royal Museum "VOCA Exhibition" it is exhibited.
Graceful animals and plants, the person, the girl peculiar sensibility motifs such as characters, acrylic paints and dyes, using a variety of techniques, such as masking, expressed as over and over again superimposed layers. Tone smart suppression "nor is floating, overlapping of nor are, spatial complexity that can not be captured in the term depth" and (Mitsue Nagaya "Contemporary Art of outlook VOCA Exhibition 2009" catalog) evaluation It is. Funo's is good to perform the drawing of 3 to 5 hours a day, are you to rely on during the production of works or was drawing to remember a lot of hands that have been drawn up to "now, been painted over and over again both motifs have become very intimate relationship. "(Mr. Funo).
In addition to painting a few points at the venue, for the first time exhibited a drawing about 50 points by the charcoal is as exhibition. It was brought to constantly keep moving the hand, feeling the technology and unique texture, want to enjoy the world of fantasy-filled story of Funo Nana.

Nikken Space Design 20th anniversary exhibition thinking was that, that can

Sponsored by Nikken Space Design
Nikken Space Design 20th anniversary exhibition thinking was that, that can
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / Creative Lounge MOV
Holding period
2014 October 23 (Thursday) - 2014 October 29 (Wednesday)
Holding time
11:00〜20:00 ※最終日は17:00
Admission fee
free entrance

From October 23, the Creative Lounge MOV, exhibitions tailored to the 20 anniversary of the interior design company "Nikken Space Design," "thinking thing, that can" is performed.
The company was established in 1994 as a company responsible for the interior design of the Nikken Group, with the furniture department and interior department of Nikken Design as its predecessor. Based in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, he works on various environmental designs, focusing on interior design in a wide range of fields such as hotels, offices, commercial stores, medical welfare facilities, educational cultural facilities, and housing. Major projects include JR East Headquarters (1997), Ritz Carlton Hotel Tokyo (2007) and Tokyo Skytree® (2012).
"About our company, we want to know a lot of people about our work" carried out in the think of the exhibition. Think of what belongs designers et al usually at the venue, use any tool, the end on whether the reach the goal through what stage, introduce a few examples from actual projects. A long way from the start to the goal, a number of sober work, tell the state of the designer et al it even work on a project enjoying. The also October 28 days, Mr. Tsutomu Ono (sinato representative), Makoto Tanijiri (Suppose design off ice representative), also planned talk show by Fujii Takashi's (Nikken Space Design senior designer). Three designers try to feel the difference of the environment and design process of the work? (Location = COURT, capacity 100 people, reservation is not needed, 30 minutes at 18 ~).

Tricks The craftsman DENSAN8 people crowd around the country selected young

Sponsored by General Foundation Traditional Craft Industry Promotion Association
Tricks The craftsman DENSAN8 people crowd around the country selected young
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
Holding period
2014 October 24 (Friday) - 2014 October 26 (Sunday)
Holding time
11:00〜20:00 ※初日は18:00〜、最終日は17:00まで
Admission fee
free entrance

From October 24 in COURT, exhibition to introduce the young eight attention inherit the traditional industries to now "National selection young trick The craftsman DENSAN8 people Shu" will be held.
Sponsored by General Foundation Traditional Craft Industry Promotion Association of the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries it was on purpose. Akasaka eight-chome in the association, which operates the traditional crafts of the referral facility "Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" in along Aoyama street, as the country of traditional crafts by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is to specify, textiles, ceramics, woodwork, altar, Japanese paper, such as dolls, is introducing a variety of crafts under one roof.
Exhibition of traditional crafts of the locality, which was held at the Aoyama Square has received the exhibition of young craftsmen who recommended want to entrust the future. This time from the recommended craftsman "now in season" to introduce to pick up eight of. In addition to exhibitions of each craftsman at the venue, scheduled to each person to bring the necessary tools in the production of the craft, its use and care, and events to talk about, such as feelings, is also prepared introduction corner of the fabrication process. Participation craftsmen, Shibata AkiraTadashi's (Odate Magewappa), Takashi Tsuchiya (Koshu crystal precious stones crafted), Takeshi Inoue (Edo Sashimono), Takahiko Kawazoe (Imari-Arita ware), miscellaneous trees Hayashi's (Hakone parquet), Naoki Morita (Banshu Miki striking cutlery), Takashi Ogura (Tokyo hand 描友 Zen), Arai KyoHisashi's (Chichibu Meisen). The many years handed down the traditional technologies and techniques to the foundation, young craftsmen of attention to produce the match was easy to use and beautiful work in modern life. And it has a plan that can feel the work and background up close.

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