Shibuya culture project

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The theme

Autumn festival feature, attention three to enjoy in Shibuya!

秋分の日も過ぎて、少しづつ日が暮れるのが早くなってきた。これから東京も紅葉を迎え、桜の季節と並んで一年でも特に過ごしやすい心地の良いシーズンが到来する。山登りや渓流下りなど、東京の喧騒を少し離れて秋を楽しむのも素晴らしいが、働く私達にとってはお盆やお正月でもない限り、まとまった休みが取りにくいのも現実かもしれない。 今回は、屋外で過ごしたくなる秋に嬉しい企画として、渋谷で行われる野外イベントをピックアップ。野外といっても、テーマとなるのは音楽、アートからクリエーティブまで、幅広いジャンルに渡るカルチャー全般。渋谷にはライブハウスやギャラリーなどカルチャースペースが点在するが、今回紹介するイベントではパルコや渋谷公会堂、ヒカリエなどのカルチャースペースに加えて道玄坂やSHIBUYA109前ステージなど渋谷の屋内外あちこちが舞台に。散歩しながら見物するのもいいし、作品を買い物しても、ストリートライブを堪能しても、公募展に作品を応募するという楽しみ方も。つかの間のお休み、思い思いの秋を味わい、充実したひと時を過ごしてみてほしい。

This Month Specials

9th Shibuya Music Festival

主催:NPO法人 渋谷駅周辺地区まちづくり協議会、渋谷音楽祭実行委員会
9th Shibuya Music Festival
Shibuya Public Hall, Marui City Shibuya · 1F Plaza, Shibuya Hikarie , SHIBUYA 109 front, Cultural Village Street, Dogenzaka Street, Miyamasukara Shrine, etc.
Holding period
2014 October 18 (Saturday) to 19 (Sun.)
Holding time
For more information on the schedule until the official site
Admission fee
Free (except for some events)
Official HP

Shibuya Public Hall, SHIBUYA109 before, cultural village street, Dogenzaka street, Miyaeki Mitake music event "9th Shibuya Music Festival" which was the Shibuya various places, such as in offices shrine October 18 (Saturday), 19 (Sunday) will be held that.
Since it was held the first time in 2006, the event that marks the ninth year in this year. The theme is "3 little words Campaign- Hello. Thank you. I'm sorry." In, originated the 3 little words of message to convey the "feelings" and "the heart of the attitude" to the other party through the music, beyond the generation, from Shibuya that the hope to that the wheel of the new communication is spread.
18 (Saturday) the implementation of the Tokyo Philharmonic concert Symphony Orchestra and singer-Kaho Shimada-san in Shibuya Public Hall (surcharge). Entitled "anthology by the composer who loved the motherland", tracks such as "on my own" from "The Blue Danube" other masterpieces such as the Moldau from "My Fatherland", Shimada's masterpiece "Les Miserables" plans. 19 days (day), traffic regulation has been Dogenzaka Street, SHIBUYA109 before, tenor singer, Oguri and based in cultural village street Shinsuke Yamano, singer-Minori Osaka, jazz bassist Isao Suzuki, DJ KENSEI's, music school against champion band et al carry out a street live. In addition, the Japanese economy University Hall, Tokyo School of Music Shibuya, Tower Records Shibuya, also in conjunction with, such as Starbucks coffee shop near Shibuya Station, various genres of live and dance performance everywhere in the Shibuya of town for two days, live such as the painting unfolds.

Shibukaru Festival. Trying to 2014~ Together! ~

Shibukaru Festival. Trying to 2014~ Together! ~
Shibuya Parco Museum inside and outside, Koen-dori Square, Spanish Steps Square, Shibuya Club Quattro other
Holding period
2014 October 17 (Friday) to 26 (Sun.)
Holding time
For more information on the schedule until the official site
Admission fee
Free (except for some events)
Official HP

In Shibuya Parco Museum inside and outside, the fourth time to become a celebration of young women creators "Shibukaru Festival (festival)." In this year it will be held. This year's theme is "encounter, experience". Under the slogan "Let 's try Together", gathered young girls creator of more than 100 pairs. Creators and visitors, creators together, creator and shop to practice the "Shibukaru Festival .2014" together.
In the Parco Museum that becomes the main venue, Kyunchome, Shibukaru Festival first appearance of the creator 15 sets of "can participate" to join such Saebogu "buy", "play" deployment planning. In Shibuya Parco Part 1 Koen-dori Square, Asamisae's, and live that Okamoto Emi's et al. To appear, also scheduled to be held on fashion events otonacium and Noriko Nakazato et al appear. The "Kuramoto YoshiTsuru presents live delivery Shibukaru SHOW" In 2.5D in addition to, and performs the preceding screenings of girl movie "Wonderful World's End" is in Shinekuinto. In addition to these cultural spaces, shops, in offices as well, such as the official movie channels. Music, art, fashion, female creators continue to transmit the content to bring together a wide range of genres such as movies.

Shibuya Art Festival 2014

Shibuya Art Festival
Hachikoen square Tokyu Toyokomae stage, SHIBUYA MARKCITY 1F event square, Shibuya Hikarie others
Holding period
2014 October 25 (Saturday) to 26 days (day)
Holding time
For more information on the schedule until the official site
Admission fee
Free (except for some events)
Official HP

The art event "Shibuya Art Festival" set in the annual Shibuya city is held on October 25th (Sat) and 26th (Sun), Hachiko Square Tokyu Toyoko Front Stage and SHIBUYA MARKCITY 1F Mark Event Square It will be held throughout the city of Shibuya, such as Shibuya Hikarie.
The event, which started in November 2009, marks the sixth time in this. This year's theme is "shibuya +". Looking back a track record of the past five years, that's what further listed a meaning that is something the + (plus).
Starting from this year, the Shibuya Art Festival-SHIBUYA AWARD, a contest for works of art by a general public offering, has been established. The theme of the work is "SHIBUYA", and one of the award winners will be determined by Tokyo Wonder Site Director-Ikmura Ikura, Galleryist-Koyama Tomio and Kaikai Kiki-Kajino Takimi. The public works will be displayed at a special venue in Shibuya Hikarie during the show.
In addition to the "Let's play with Art!" Parents and Children experience event (10/26, Workers Welfare Hall, Yoshitake park) will do such and live paint also. Further screening event of the short film was "Shibuya" on the theme "movie shrine 2014~ 1st Shibuya International Short Film Festival" (10/25, Miyaeki Mitake shrine), a multi-genre LIVE by Shinji Harada-san and foreign artists performance "autumn of Shibuya rampage Festival" (10/25, Koen Miyashita-Jingudori park), and the like, during the exhibition, a unique project in the city of Shibuya are prepared.

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