Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up in September
雨の日が多かった夏が過ぎ、過ごしやすい秋の季節がやって来た。秋といえば食欲の秋、運動の秋、文化の秋…などなど。キノコやサンマなど秋の味覚が素晴らしいのは言うまでもなく、やはり気候が心地よいとせっかくだからと腰を上げて外へ出て活動したくもなるもの。 今回は「勉強の秋」ということで、ヒカリエ8/で開催予定の企画から、「学び」をテーマに3つのイベントをピックアップ。新たな「文房具」としてスマートフォンを研究する大学院の発表会と、今月8周年を迎えたシブヤ大学の交流会、地域CM作りに取り組んだ若手クリエーターらの作品上映会の3つ。それぞれ「学ぶ」の対象は異なるが、それでも新たな知識を吸収して自分のものとして活用していこうという意欲はどれにも共通した思い。大人になると仕事や家族に囲まれて、自分一人の時間を作ることは学生だった頃と比べるとほんとうに難しい。それでも「学び」というのは自分の価値観や可能性を広げてくれる貴重な体験。イベントへの参加を通して、そんな体験に懸命に取り組む人々から、新たな刺激を受けてみては?
Accidental Tools - unpredictable stationery -
- title
- "Accidental Tools - unpredictable stationery -". GALAXY Lab 2014
- Venue
- Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE1,2,3
- Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
- Holding period
- 2014年9月25日(木)〜10月5日(日)(CUBE) 2014年10月3日(金)〜2014年10月4日(土)(COURT)
- Holding time
- 11:00〜20:00
- Admission fee
- Free
From September 25 in CUBE1,2,3, Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of research and production projects recital by the video Graduate School + Samsung Electronics Japan Co., Ltd. "GALAXY Lab." "Accidental Tools - unpredictable stationery -" GALAXY Lab. 2014 is carried out.
Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and is, the cross-integrating traditional art various fields, work on a new theme from the point of view of the field of creativity related to the video, to train experts that can be internationally active. Around the FUJIHATA Masaki laboratory, university outside of the artists to participate. GALAXY Lab., The research / production project the same image Graduate School is performing under the cooperation of Samsung Electronics Japan Co., Ltd., over the representation and video communication by the mobile terminal tool such as a smart phone. Screening of video works that have been taken with smartphone at the venue, work presentations and production workshops of the application "after-recording camera," the fusion of animation and live action, Shibuya tour to experience with a smartphone equipped with the AR app, colorful, such as talk session planned the programs.
The smartphone regarded as "stationery", explore how to use the new tool exhibition. In our everyday smartphone is no longer indispensable, it might give us a new way to enjoy tips.
Shibuya University ★ night after Festival
- title
- [Shibuya University eighth anniversary special lecture] Shibuya University ★ night after Festival
- Venue
- Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
- Holding period
- September 28, 2014 (Sun)
- Holding time
- 19:00〜21:00
- Admission fee
- 500円 ※要事前申込
September 28 days in COURT, special courses of Shibuya University celebrated its eighth anniversary "Shibuya University ★ night after Festival" will be held.
Shibuya University, likened the Shibuya of the city to the campus, a non-profit organization that was the "town planning" to continue to edit and re-excavation of the city of people, goods, things in concept. Founded in 2006, spread region up to now, movies, art, life, and to expand the teaching of various genres, such as work, a lot of people at the center of the working people of the 20s and 30s is the width of each of the interest ing.
September, which celebrated its eighth anniversary is positioned as a "cultural festival" of Shibuya University, held all 30 courses. The event, and Let's make the time to share their opinions of each other participant, carried out in the target participants of the cultural festival. Or try to listen to the opinions of others who participated in the same class, or try to feel the state of the other class, or know the thoughts of the people who are making the lesson. Through the rear Yomatsuri, I want to try to enjoy as a cultural festival last conclusion of Shibuya University.
Creative Summer Camp Final Event
- title
- Creative Summer Camp Final Event
- Venue
- Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
- Holding period
- September 29, 2014 (Monday)
- Holding time
- 19:00〜21:30
- Admission fee
- 1000円 ※要事前申込
In COURT 9 May 29, the final event of the young creators for Summer School "Creative Summer Camp" is performed.
Sponsored by my Japan. To society following the 29-year-old from the college student, young creators, Fukushima Prefecture tadami of 60 staff in total, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, CM production is divided into three regions of Nagano, Nagano Prefecture. Actually think of each project carries a foot in the field, through the shooting and editing camp of three days and two nights, and produced the CM work. The event is the final recital.
On the day of criticism from myJapanAward jury, including also Shinya Mr. Tohokushinsha Nakajima who served as lecturer, also announced the excellent work of each region. In addition, the excellent work scheduled to air in the screen of the Shibuya crossing. In addition to the Creative Summer Camp participants, also it can join the general audience. And fresh work by young creators et al. Created by ingenuity, while feeling their enthusiasm, will try a chance to look back at the first time of their own work?