Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up in August
8月も一週間を過ぎ、夏の甲子園がいよいよ開幕。今年は「大本命不在」とも評されるが、勝敗だけではない青春ドラマが甲子園の醍醐味の一つ。北海道から沖縄まで地方大会を勝ち上がった各県の強豪校が肩を並べる夏季大会では、逸材ピッチャーの発見や、最後の甲子園に挑む3年生の覚悟、何十年ぶりの代表入りに湧く高校の健闘なども見どころ。そして不義理にしている自分の出身校や出身県の応援に、ついつい力が入ってしまうのも面白いところだろう。自分が生まれた土地で何年後、何十年後かに生まれた若い高校球児たち。彼らが全力を投じて戦う姿に、自分自身の青春時代を思い返したり、現在の自分と引き比べたりして思いを新たにする人も多いのではないだろうか? 「今をどう生きるのか」−−たくさんのドラマを残して夏の甲子園が終わる時、応援してきた私たちの胸に残るのは、そんな人生における大切な問いだったりする。 さて今回はヒカリエで8月に実施される企画の中から、全国各地からスポーツとは異なる視点で集まった魅力あるプロダクト・アート作品をピックアップ。陶磁器や工芸品や食品などは各地それぞれのスタイルで発展を遂げてきた伝統的な文化の一つだが、今回紹介する企画ではそんなご当地文化に現代的な視点で一工夫を加えた作品たちが肩を並べる。 蓄積されてきた経験や知識を礎にして、さて、「今をどう生きるのか」。球児や作品たちそれぞれの生き様・有り様は、あなたの人生に何を教えてくれるだろうか?
Design and production 2014
- title
- Design and production 2014
- Venue
- Shibuya Hikarie 8 / d47 MUSEUM
- Holding period
- Thursday, August 7, 2014 - October 19 (Sun)
- Holding time
- 11:00〜20:00 ※入場は19:30まで
- Admission fee
- 無料 ※ワークショップの参加は要事前申し込み、有料
d47 MUSEUM began "design product 2014" introducing Japanese manufacturing from the 7th of August, tradition and challenge.
This time 47 prefectures gathered from "crafts" and "foods". In d47 MUSEUM we introduce a viewpoint of "orijin" as to whether each land has long ago or not and "plus design" whether things on that land evolve or not. Attempts to overlook the Japanese design and production by arranging "the one that will last a long time" and "the case that has evolved" in the same way on 47 exhibition halls arranged at the hall. Why do not you find out how to design re-design that does not end with trendy expression?
During the period, we focused on traditional fermented food "Kojiji", a workshop where you can experience sweet tasting made with rice koji and experience "wheat noodle" using wheat noodle (August 23, 13: 00 ~ 14: 30, 16: 00 ~ 17: 30) will also be implemented.
- title
- NIPPON VISION GALLERY Ehime prefecture
- Venue
- Shibuya Hikarie 8 / d47 design travel store
- Holding period
- Thursday, August 7, 2014 - September 10 (Wed)
- Holding time
- 11:00〜20:00
- Participation
- Meishan kiln, Nakata kiln
- Admission fee
- Free
d47 design travel atore called "NIPPON VISION GALLERY Ehime Prefecture" from August 7th, and has exhibited and sells the grinding stones of Ehime prefecture, which has 230 years history.
Grinding is a ceramics made around Ehime prefecture abrasive town. In the late 1700 's, it began with scrap stones as raw materials, pottery stones were discovered in 1800 and technologies were improved innovatively. A thick and durable white porcelain features a pattern such as arabesque and chrysanthemum painted with indigo brush brush called Wu Su (ginseng). Many from molding to painting are performed manually. Currently there are more than 100 kilns, which are used as everyday vessels.
同展はD&DEPARTMENTが取り組む作り手や産地に焦点を当てた展示販売企画「NIPPON VISION Gallery」の一環として開催。店頭には130年以上に渡り砥部焼を牽引してきた梅山窯と、
The Nakata kiln which continues to study glaze independently is launched in grinding section of 2 kilns. It is an exhibition that you can enjoy the beauty of everyday use.
Naomi Ashida "Pocket Diving" Exhibition
- title
- Naomi Ashida "Pocket Diving" Exhibition
- Venue
- Shibuya Hikarie 8 / ART GALLERY
- Holding period
- Wednesday, August 27, 2014 - September 8 (Monday)
- Holding time
- 11:00〜20:00
- Writer
- Naomi Ashida
- Admission fee
- Free
At ART GALLERY, the exhibition "Pocket Diving" will be held from August 27th, introducing a single piece of objects and vessels by Ceramic artist Naomi Ashida.
芦田さんは1975年、京都府生まれ。2000年に京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科工芸専攻陶磁器を修了し、現在は京都市の松ヶ崎を拠点に制作活動を展開する芦田さん。伝統的な技法に根ざしながら、どこか西洋的な色彩感覚をもった陶磁器づくりが特徴で、日常使いの器を中心に、季節や空間にあわせた期間限定の出品を行なっている。IDEE、CLASKA Gallery & Shop "DO"などのインテリアショップや、大手百貨店などで取り扱う。
In this exhibition, a part of the venue is considered as a pocket and exhibited around a single object and objects produced with a more free idea. We incorporate various themes and motifs such as "Alice in Wonderland" and make a fun world like a picture book spread. Also introduce new and old works and instruments such as "AMETSUCHI" series. I would like to enjoy my own view of the world that is between art and ceramics.