Shibuya culture project

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Three that HIKARIE × SHIBUYA Hikarie to recommend

This month, we pick up recommendations from the latest culture information such as "Exhibitions" and "Events" held in Shibuya Hikarie .

The theme

Shibuya Hikarie "8 /" Pick Up in September

2020年の五輪招致決定で盛り上がる東京。そもそも東京の街並みは、高速道路や地下鉄の整備など、1964年の東京オリンピック開催に向けた建設ラッシュによって大きく変化したと言われる。また当時はオリンピックをきっかけに、テレビ購入者が飛躍的に増加するなど「オリンピック景気」と呼ばれる好景気に突入した。東京での五輪開催は56年ぶり。経済面では大きなメリットが見込まれる一方で、東京の街並みが今後どんな風に変化していくのか、これまで長く多くの人々に愛されてきた「東京」がどのように継承され、発展していくのか、一時的な雰囲気に流されずに、期待を込めて見守っていきたい。 今回は、渋谷ヒカリエで9月に開催される企画から、日本の伝統的なものづくりに着目した3企画をピックアップ。創業50年を迎えた印刷加工会社が手がける「紙」の新たな可能性を模索するプロジェクト、布をキーワードに日本の3拠点がタッグを汲んで地域の技を紹介する展示、230年以上の歴史を持つ焼き物の紹介と、それぞれが育んだ独自の技術を伝える。 7年後のオリンピック開催に向けて現在の東京を見直すにあたって、残したいものって?育てたいものって?今回の展示をヒントに、日本、東京が持っている魅力を考えてみたい。

This Month Specials


Shibuya Hikarie 8 / CUBE 1,2,3
Holding period
September 4 to September 16, 2013 2013
Holding time
Organized by
God of Kousakusho / Fukunaga Shiko
Admission fee
Emmanuel Muho, switch design, DainipponTypeOrganization, trough architectural design firm, Samsung AnKiyoshi, Shunji Yamanaka

Communication Exhibition starting from paper game
Project Print processing company "Fukunaga Shiko" and "God of Kousakusho" is launched in conjunction with the designer, to pursue the possibility of a tool that can be processed and print paper. It held, such as "God of tools Exhibition" from 2007, also to expand, such as the original product.
Of this year was Hikarie 8 / to the venue "God of Kousakusho" is changing the orientation and up to now, by focusing on the "game" challenge to the possibility of paper. Different from the existing products of the paper, such as Karuta and playing cards, to pursue the "paper of the game," backed by design and technology. Designers to participate is, six pairs gathered from a wide range of genres from the graphic to the architect. Each can enjoy the paper game that produced in the "paper game center", is try a taste of play that feel?

"Spinning, dyeing, weaving - Japan of skill and heart."

"Spinning, dyeing, weaving - Japan of skill and heart."
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
Holding period
September 14, 2013 (Sat) - September 16, 2013 (Monday)
Holding time
Organized by
Higashiagatsuma-Aishō-Aizumi Sanmachi Joint Exhibition "hemp, indigo, cloth," Executive Committee
Admission fee
free entrance

Higashiagatsuma-Aizumi-Aishō Sanmachi Joint Exhibition "hemp, indigo, cloth"
~ Fiber making, cloth-making, lore public of the work of dyed
Rapidly vanishing life of knowledge and traditional craft techniques in the mass production and consumption society. Handmade rustic flavor, friendliness, superior functionality, etc., come give a richness and moisture in our lives compared to the standardized products that are mass-produced.
This exhibition is, Gunma Prefecture higashiagatsuma is a producer of "hemp rock formation" which is said to be Japan of hemp, which is indigo fee Tokushima Prefecture Aizumi was a major producer of "蒅", high-quality linen "above Omi three town of Shiga Prefecture Aishō is a producer of cloth "is cooperation, to create a fiber that remains in the region, dyed, it started in 2009 with the aim of lore and released the traditional craft technique of weaving cloth.
This time, just gathered traditional craft technology, which plays a major role responsible for the culture of the region from all over the country. Nurturing is our ancestors, is try to experience the technique has been told and mind?


Shibuya Hikarie 8 / d47 design travel store
Holding period
September 6, 2013 (Friday) - 2013 October 10 (Thursday)
Holding time
11:00 20
Organized by
Admission fee

Tobe ware and is, porcelain made in the center of the Ehime Prefecture Tobe-cho. Taking a high-quality grinding stone from the Nara period in Tobe, that were produced porcelain with a stone debris out at the time of the cut-out is, it is said that the beginning of the Tobe-yaki. In the design features of indigo in thick white porcelain, many until the painting from the molding manually. Muneyoshi Yanagi, Bernard Leach, Hamada Shoji et al during a visit to Tobe, compared to other production areas that have been mechanized, are said to have appreciated that the handiwork of the technology remains.
In the exhibition, from the pottery which is about 100 hotels of the Tobe-yaki, and Meishan kiln, which has been leading the over Tobe ware to more than 130 years, the focus in Nakata kiln to continue the study of its own glaze. Of 230 plus years of Tobe baked with a history, I want to taste the charm of hand.

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