Shibuya culture project

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★ "New continued there be Amatoria - 0th published -" ★

"? The goat, hear", "Kubo bookstore (Amatoria Co., Ltd.)" and Daikanyama joint planning of the "new connection there be Amatoria - 0th published -" we have successfully completed.
Vivienne Sato × Harumi × Kaoru Nagayama Yamazaki.

"Kubo bookstore" is, after the war of the sex of the giant Tetsu Takahashi Monographs and Ito, rain or shine of the art book, photo book, "Amatoria", "Rear Window", "Manhunt", "lemon people" such as the distinctive and unique view of the world publish a magazine shoot. Kubo bookstores also have a history of 66 years and many of the writers and artists, the mania, has had an impact on a lot of Japanese.
(Hard-boiled magazine "Manhunt" is that of that also affects the Monkey punch.)

In the event "the day of heaven injection (night)" in the Ms. Harumi Yamazaki of TACO was the attempted suicide live reading live, novel in the "Eureka" in recent years, commentary, Mr. Kaoru Nagayama just issued the "erotic manga Studies" the pick, Eros, erotic manga, erotic culture, sex, Japan's subculture, is talking about such personal friendship book ,,,, it was wide-ranging in the real.
Both or not belong to the editorial department of Matsuoka Seigo's at the same time, or have been writing even "Treasure Island", that there is indeed much in common term in secular, but, without even spoken face to face until now , three-way conversation with my host quietly hot deeply, did was his way. . .

The venue "Kubo bookstore"'s magazines, including the Monographs, there is a "Akihabara Love Merci"'s adult goods, "your your your sushi" (sushi) 's exhibitors, has shown an upsurge in places ranging from time to time year.

Also dirty Matsumoto in the audience, there is also a figure of Mr. Morizono Milk, was Welcome many famous industry people.

In addition, DVD, which was released from Kubo bookstore's "Iskar 1" has been washed away by the screen. Splendid is the view of the world!

In addition, it has also been the introduction of new products of Lars von Trier's "Nymphomaniac vol.1".

This project will continue in the future.
The next is scheduled for the second half of November.

Vivienne Sato (non-architect)

With a non-architect, artist, Doraakukuin, illustrator, writer, the party ist ,,, and a variety of face. Ride to Tokyo with its own philosophy and aesthetics. Its disruptive, fragmentary words and deeds have won the consistency in Tokyo. . . Nanchatte.

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